Page 3 of The Vampire Oath
It’s more than the stinging on the back of my head, more than the never ending training, more than the annoying conversation with that insufferable demon invading my mind, and more than long sleepless nights waiting for Alaric to tell me we will finally leave.
Cassius places a palm on the side of my face and runs his thumb under my eye. Whisps of pale hair have escaped the leather tie at the nape of his neck, making him appear uncharacteristically disheveled.
“You look like you haven’t slept in days,” he says quietly.
I grit my teeth, refusing to answer, refusing to tell him about Varin and their attempts to possess me in order to gain their freedom.
“Stop worrying about me. I just need space,” I say, then walk out the door, closing it softly. To my surprise, Cassius doesn’t try to stop me.
With each step, the pain in my head eases. There’s a weird tingle and itching as the skin slowly knits back together—days of healing in minutes.
My gloomy mood hangs over me like a swirling storm cloud as I march down the hall, lost in thought. The scrape of a shoe on the stone pulls my attention to a tall figure descending the stairs.
He hesitates for a moment, then takes the last step and stops on the landing. I freeze, my breath hitching as the light from a sconce illuminates Alaric’s face.
My pulse kicks up, roaring in my ears. The only options I have are to walk past him, return to the training room and face Cassius, or take the stairs to the lower levels. None of them appeal to me.
The mark flares up in his presence, demanding I go to him. It’s been almost two weeks since I last saw Alaric… since we fought and he sent me away. His cruel words still echo, cutting just as deep.
Cassius wants you, Clara. Now go back to him.
I don’t want you. I never did.
When Alaric takes a step forward, I spin on my heel and run the other way. I don’t make it far before he closes the distance with blinding speed. His arms encircle me from behind, pinning mine to my sides.
The familiarity of his touch is the comfort I crave as his warm, musky scent wraps around me. I drop my head and sag against him. I don’t have the energy to fight.
Alaric rests his face on my shoulder and sighs. “I’ve missed you,” he whispers. His embrace tightens, crushing my back against his muscular chest.
Why would he say that?
I don’t want you. I never did.
I don’t want you…
Pressure builds behind my eyes and my head instantly throbs. I squeeze my eyes shut and bite down on my bottom lip, to keep from speaking.
Alaric inhales sharply and releases me without warning. He catches my shoulders as I stumble, then spins me to face him. It’s even harder to look at him and be this close, knowing he chose to give me away.
His dark, sapphire eyes narrow when he catches the scent of blood. “You’re hurt.”
“It will heal soon enough,” I say, shaking his hands off.
I am hurt. But not for the reason he’s thinking. How can he act as if nothing happened—as if he didn’t break me with his words? The expression he wears now is the same one that flickered in and out that night—the one that has made me doubt his harsh words since.
Alaric’s brow creases as he reaches for the back of my head. I push his arm away and take a step back.
“You’ve been avoiding me for over a week—you had to know I needed to talk. So why, after I’ve given up, are you here now?” I demand. The hurt that festered for almost two weeks gives way to anger. I want to know what changed, and why.
A dark look settles on his face. But before Alaric can answer, long fingers wrap around my upper arm and drag me back.
“Idiots,” Cassius hisses, placing himself between us. “Both of you.” He turns his icy glare on me, annoyance and disappointment written all over his features. He gives me a featherlight push toward the stairs. “Wait for me in your room.”
And with that, I’m dismissed. My first instinct is to refuse—to stay and get the answers from Alaric now that he’s in front of me.
The two of them stand perfectly still glaring at each other, silently waiting for me to leave.
I trudge up the steps, dejected, the wounds across my heart, bleeding and raw all over again. Asmod slithers along at my side, dutifully watching to ensure I do as my new master commands.