Page 46 of The Vampire Oath
“They are called saaers.” She looks unamused. “Now listen, the third is the eye of the redheaded seer witch.”
I nearly choke in disgust. “You want me to take someone’s eye? And wouldn’t a seer know I’m coming for her?”
Ophelia grunts. “No. She can see the future of what might be for others but never herself. Be wary and do not harm any others, for she will see you then.”
“You are more powerful than a greater witch. If these items can be gathered by someone like me, what is stopping you from collecting them yourself? Especially the eye.”
“That may be, girl, but even I cannot win against them all. They would descend upon me like harpies sent from the Otherworld. That particular coven wiped mine out long ago, and now it’s time for them to pay.” Ophelia averts her gaze and quietly adds, “You have no idea what it is like to see another’s fate and be helpless to change it.”
Clutching the bag to my chest, I prompt, “And the final item?”
“That you will find when you are ready.”
I want to throttle her and demand a straight answer. How can I bring back an item when it could literally be anything?
Something she said sparks my curiosity. “Have you seen Alaric’s fate?” I ask.
She nods solemnly. “It is the sharpest I have ever seen. Your prince will be eternally at the vampire queen’s side and loyal to none other. It is an inevitable conclusion, and nothing you do will alter the outcome. It would be best to go back home while you still have your life.”
If that is true, then all of this is in vain, but quitting would shatter my heart. “Do you know my fate? Maybe—”
Maybe my fate is to change his.
“No. Some fates are not even mine to know.” Ophelia pats my shoulder in a gesture of comfort.
Lowering my head, I squeeze my eyes shut. Even knowing his fate is set in stone, I can’t sit back and watch him become Elizabeth’s eternal prisoner. “I won’t be able to live with myself if I don’t do everything I can,” I say.
The oracle nods as if she expected as much.
I repeat the list of items in my mind, planning the best way to gather them. The flower will be easiest, so I’ll start there first, then the saaer. And somehow, I’ll manage to find the witch and—I shudder—pluck her eye. My stomach churns, I don’t want to think about those details until necessary.
“And these items are my payment?” I ask.
“These are but a small portion, but the final item will cover the remainder.”
With all of the talk about the price of her magic, these items seem a paltry sum. My shoulders droop as something occurs to me. “Will I need to gather the ingredients for the spell as well?”
“Enough questions. Now go and hurry back.”
“Thank you,” I say, turning away.
Her frail hand grabs my wrist with surprising strength, stopping me. “Once you step into the forest, you will not be able to find your way back until you have collected everything or have failed.”
I nod, and she waves her arm, filling the small space with her power until the barrier dissipates with an audible pop.
Della sits at the table, staring unseeing into the cup cradled in her palms and Lawrence stands behind her, hands clasped at his back as he watches the flames dance in the hearth.
Cassius cradles his arm to his chest. He lowers it and flinches when he moves too fast. Rising to his feet, he takes an uncertain step, green eyes questioning.
Turning to the oracle witch, I ask, “Can you help him?”
“Choose, girl,” she says blandly. “You can help only one vampire with the aid of my magic, and you should be grateful I have allowed that much. There is not an endless supply at your disposal for frivolous things.”
I glance at Cassius. His injury is hardly frivolous, but it will heal soon enough. However, Alaric will remain trapped without the oracle’s spell.
His wounds have started to bleed through the makeshift wrap. A pang of guilt twists. I can’t leave him like this when he was hurt protecting me.
“What would it cost for fresh bandages and a needle with thread?”