Page 48 of The Vampire Oath
I can’t.
It is the sharpest I have ever seen. Your prince will be eternally at the vampire queen’s side and loyal to none other. It is an inevitable conclusion, and nothing you do will alter the outcome. It would be best to go back home while you still have your life.
Even if the prophesy says I will fail, I refuse to give up.
I smile and wave, feigning confidence in my ability then step over the line from the stone path at the edge of the clearing and onto the soft loam of the forest.
Looking over my shoulder one more time. The clearing is gone and a tall tree now stands where I stepped off the path seconds ago. Beyond that more forest stretches out, leaving no trace of the oracle witch’s home. Thick fog billows up from nowhere, darkening the space between the trees at my back.
Adjusting the satchel over my shoulder, I make my way deeper into the forest, following the sound of a stream. The trees are farther apart now, more natural. It seems that Ophelia was guiding us to her from the moment we entered her domain.
If I hurry, we might be able to leave by morning. Even though it took two extra days to get here, there’s a chance we can still return to Nightwich within the week.
I pick up my pace, weaving between trees and leaping over roots that jut out of the ground. By the time I reach the small stream that feeds into the swamp, I have to stop to lean against a tree, panting to catch my breath.
Flowers with three dark purple virulent petals and bright centers of cyan grow between tall grasses. The rich colors make everything else in this forest appear dull in comparison.
Squatting before a large bloom, I reach into the bag for the first vial, and pop the cork with my teeth. A mouse-like creature with a tufted tail scampers by. When it sees me, it squeaks and flings itself to the side, bumping into the flower stock. A single purple petal brushes its dark brown head. The mouse freezes between steps then collapses onto its side.
Demons and saints…
My eyes widen in horror at the flower whose poison worked too fast for my liking. In seconds, the rodent’s fur and skin dissolve before my eyes, then its muscles until all that’s left are bones, blackened as if scorched and the layer of skin that rests on the forest floor.
I search the immediate area for something that will allow me to harvest the flower without touching it. My options are limited, and I eventually settle for a leaf. It brushes against a petal as it falls, turning to ash before it even reaches the ground.
With my dagger, I prod at the flower. A light dusting of purple coats one side of the blade, but nothing happens. I bite the inside of my cheek and grin. The poison must only affect organic things, so the glass bottle is impervious.
I lower the bottle over the flower, leaving a small gap between glass and dirt. The dagger slices through the woody stem effortlessly. I jam the cork into place then wrap it in one of the leftover cloth strips, before tucking it in alongside the other vials. I give the bag a shake, smiling when they don’t clink together.
That wasn’t so bad.
One item down, two—or I suppose—three to go. I’m still not sure how she expects me to collect the final item without a bottle, let alone how I will knowwhatit is.
But the mouse has given me an idea and I go in search of yet another flower.
I have to wade partially into the water to reach the next one I spot. Carefully, I swipe the tip of the dagger over the petals until the fine purple dust coats both edges of the blade.
Now, for the second part of this hunt—the saaer.
It was by chance that we crossed paths with the last one. Wandering the forest until I cross paths with another is an option, but that would waste time I don’t have.
Striding back to the path, I go in search of the place where we encountered the last one and hope there will be some trace that will help me find another. Boosted by how quickly I gathered the first item, I’m not bothered by the water that soak the insides of my boots.
Running with dagger in hand, my feet nearly fly over the ground. But like much of the way through the forest, the trees are thick and dense again, with a single meandering path.
After twenty minutes, I stop and look around. I don’t know where I am, but straight ahead, deep claw marks have been gouged into a tree, shredding the bark off.
My breathing quickens. The claws that made those are is easily twice the size of the saaer that attacked us.
“Hello?” I call out.
Familiar clicking sounds above in answer, followed by a heavy thud that shakes the ground behind me. I spin and lock eyes with a saaer so close I could almost reach out and touch its face.
This saaer is massive, with a back that must be over eight feet high. The one Cassius and I fought must have been young. Even then, we barely made it.
Unholy demon shit… I am going to die.