Page 56 of By Any Other Name
We both freeze in the doorway to my room, and I know we’re thinking the same thing: Will we actually be together in twenty years? Is that a possibility? Do I hate that idea?
* * *
The air smells like rain and the sky is dark in the distance as Roman and I set off in the direction of Councilman Lawrence’s house. I fidget in my seat and try not to watch him, but it’s impossible. It was a mistake to let him drive. At least if I’d driven, I’d have something to focus on aside from our painfully forced proximity, and the fact that I’m entirely bare under my skirt.
I should have known better—I was just as much of a basket case the last time I was in a car with him. I’d chalked that up to adrenaline after the incident with Harrison, but no. Now I realize it’s just Roman. I can’t be around him without feeling like I’m going half insane.
I take a deep breath, trying to collect myself, and glance at the GPS. We’re twenty-five minutes away, but that doesn’t tell me anything. “Where does Lawrence live?”
Roman flips on the wipers as the first drops fall on the windshield. “Pretty far out, he’s barely in town limits.”
“Assuming Lawrence says yes, any ideas for other witnesses?”
Out of the corner of my eye I see him nod, his absurdly sharp jaw slightly tense. “Yeah, actually. Grab my phone, I have a list.”
I glance around. “Where is it?”
“In my left jeans pocket.”
In other words, the pocket on the side furthest from me. I narrow my eyes, even as the back of my neck heats. “You’ve got to be kidding me. I am not reaching into your pocket.”
He frowns very seriously, but there’s still laughter behind his eyes. He’s messing with me. “Both hands on the wheel, good girl. Safety is important.”
“Uh huh. You’re not even watching the road.”
“And that is precisely why I cannot be trusted to take my hands off the wheel.” His lips tip up, betraying his amusement. “If you’re worried I’m going to crash, I’ve managed to drive while much more distracting things were going on in my lap. I promise, I’ve got this.”
“You’re absurd.”
“And you’re uptight. I’d be happy to help with that, if you would just show me how much you want it.”
I cough on air, my breath getting stuck in my throat. He’s unknowingly come quite close to the same words as my fantasy version of him. Or maybe, I unknowingly came close to imagining what the real Roman would be like.
I know my cheeks are flaming now, but I do my best not to roll my eyes, leaning over the center console to reach into the pocket of his jeans. I try to imagine explaining this to the police if we were pulled over for reckless driving, and can’t.“Well, you see, it was all in the name of safety, and he called me uptight, I couldn’t let that stand!”
I pull out the phone and quickly retreat into my seat, my heart beating a little too fast.
“The code is 3882,” he says, without prompting. “Go to the notes app.”
I’m skeptical as I type in the code. I don’t know why—it’s just a phone, but I feel a bit like I’m accepting the poison apple from Snow White.
“You already thought about this.” My tone is half surprise, half slight accusation. I laugh lightly. “It took you long enough to get around to the point.”
He runs a hand over the back of his neck. “I should also mention that I told my cousin the truth.”
I raise my eyebrows. “I thought you wanted to keep this a secret.”
“I do, but he wouldn’t have believed it. Like your friend Catalina.”
“Cat,” I correct absently, as I scan down the list he made. “Did Bennet help you with this, then?”
He’s listed out all eight founding families and potential witnesses from each house, as well as which one of us knows them. It’s actually fairly thorough. I’m…impressed that he cares.
“Yeah, but don’t sound so skeptical. I could have made that list on my own.”
I glance up and see that he’s grinning. I suck in a sharp breath. Holy shit, I’m like a lobster in boiling water. I’m getting used to being around him, forgetting how absolutely insanely gorgeous he is, and then I’ll look up and realize I’m burning alive.