Page 13 of The CEO's Revenge
All day I had forced myself not to think about him. Throughout the day I’d met a few people I had emailed, and each time I’d forced myself not to hope that Max would keep his word to be there. At any point that I found myself wondering if he was there yet, I reminded myself that he was not the most reliable person at showing up. His promises were all built on sand.
I was happy that my visor and sunglasses hid any expression on my face. If he only knew how desperately I was drinking in the sight of him as he stood there, looking at me, his own eyes shielded. I did not know if his blue gaze scanned me as I did him.
My God, the man was beautiful.
He wore a soft yellow button-down shirt. Without moving my head, I allowed my eyes to travel downward to the dark blue jeans that hugged his lean hips, and was shocked to find my body was growing warm just looking at him. What the hell was I doing?
Suddenly, the hurt, rage, anguish, and hate that had become second nature to me dissipated like hot breath on a freezing night. I struggled to even remember how furious I was with him. I just wanted to wrap myself around him again. Feel his hard body against mine, his skin like raw silk…
NO! The word was like a scream reverberating in my head.
I forced myself to remember the familiar anger, the hurt, the pain, the anguish, the grieving, everything he had put me through with his revolting betrayal. I rammed the intolerable image of him with the other woman forcefully to my mind. I must never forget that, yes, he was very easy on the eye, but he was actually a disgusting human being who had also tried to steal from his best friend. A kind man who had taken a chance on him and his business ideas. Robert was almost a brother to him, and someone who had taken the risk of backing him financially when no one else would. Max’s repayment had been to steal from poor Robert.
I felt the desire evaporate and I set my jaw defiantly.
Taking a deep breath I watched him taking long strides towards me. He was wearing sunglasses, so I couldn’t see his eyes, but the evening sun slanted onto his cheekbones, and made him look so darn beautiful, my stomach clenched.Once this man was mine. I dreamed he would be forever.Now he was a stranger. I would never feel his lips on mine again. I felt tears burn the backs of my eyes, and suddenly, I knew I couldn’t meet him. Not yet, anyway. I just needed a bit more time.
To prepare myself.
I turned on my heel and all but ran away towards another part of the field. I dared not look over my shoulder until I felt I was far enough away from him to be safe. Thankfully, though the grounds were becoming scanty, there were still enough patrons around and things to be done where I could be busy.
I made my rounds, discreetly looking for his black head. He always was the tallest man in a crowd. I spotted him a few times as he walked around, laughing and chatting with a few sponsors who he seemed to know. Why the hell hadn’t he come earlier when it was busier and it was easier for me to get lost in the crowd? I could not help but feel as though he had deliberately waited until there would be very few distractions. But then again, I was only assuming he had just arrived. He did not have the look of someone who had been at a fair all day.
I stood with my back against a tent as I scanned the field once more. All I had to do was avoid him for the next ten minutes after which the fair would close and all patrons would have to leave. I could already see the school’s security team beginning to round up stragglers who were trying to get into any last-minute rides and food. The clean-up crew were already moving in and some of the ride operators had already started dismantling their equipment.
Ten minutes. That was all.
How hard could it be to stay out of his way for the next six hundred seconds?
Drop it like it’s hot
As though I had conjured her up by merely thinking about her, I saw her familiar figure at the other end of the field. I narrowed my eyes as I zoned in on her. My eyes traveled down her curvy figure. Jesus, how beautiful she was. In an instant the noise faded away to a hum and all the people around me dropped away. There was only her and me.
She stood and stared at me, her body as tense as a deer about to bolt.
I wanted her. How I wanted her. I felt as if every pore in my body had opened up and all I could feel was a raging heat. My cock twitched and I was half-erect before I could catch myself.
Then, without warning, she suddenly turned, her thick braid swinging from beneath her cap, and sprinted away. I stopped in my tracks. It actually felt as if all the air had been sucked out of my body.
“What the fuck?”
I gave myself a mental shake and looked down to the ground. I forced myself to remember how fucking angry I was. Damn her, she had deserted me in my hour of need. Of course, she ran away. She was too ashamed to look me in the eye. I might fucking remind her of the pact we made to love each other till after we breathed our last. Sounded so silly to me now, but I was young and in love. She had hurt me the way no one had ever done before and no one will ever do again, and she definitely did not deserve to feel anything but my rage.
I unclenched my fists slowly, and allowed myself to calm down. Then I looked up slowly and at the spot where I had seen her last, not fifty feet from me stood Robert, his blond hair gleaming and not a hair out of place despite the brisk breeze. I did not doubt that a great deal of hairspray had been applied before he set foot out of the house this afternoon. In fact, his obsession with looking perfect used to be a source of much mockery amongst our classmates.
I had not seen him since my release, but I knew that today would be the day since he had confirmed his attendance on the email thread. He had also added a personal message for ‘Savvie’. Whether or not that was for my benefit, I did not know, but it sure made me even more determined to get my revenge.
I stared at him from behind the shield of my sunglasses, watching as he mixed and mingled with a group of people at one of the hot dog stands. His smile, even from this distance, irked me. Seeing him behave as if the world was his oyster only strengthened my resolve to destroy him. And he would not have a clue what hit him, the same way he had taken me by surprise. And it would only be a matter of time.
As I watched, he turned away from the people around him to watch Savannah fleeing across the field. Even from a distance I could feel the intensity of his gaze. I felt my throat close up as fury overtook me. Taking a deep breath I expelled my breath slowly. I needed to get my temper under control. I needed to be calm. The past full of my trusting naivety and stupidity could not be changed.