Page 43 of The CEO's Revenge
His mouth twisted. “My word is good. Send a bill to my account’s office and they’ll take care of it.”
My mind was a confused mess. He was giving me an escape route. He was giving me a way out of this agreement. I was thrown for a loop.
What was I going to do? I had given my word to Robert that I would help him and at the very least, I owed it to him to help him after he had been a rock in those dark days. I cleared my throat and spoke softly.
“I’m a woman of my word. I agreed to your terms. Your terms stand.”
I saw something like a shutter come down over his eyes and a nerve in his jaw ticked. He dropped his gaze to the tablecloth. “Good. I hope the price you pay is not too high.” Then he lifted his hand and made a writing gesture to a waiter standing nearby.
My heart was pounding as he paid the bill and came around to lightly place his hand on the small of my back. The heat from his palm seared me. I could not help but shiver slightly in the night air as we waited for the valet to get out of the car. I turned to look at Max. Gone was the easy-going man I had been with for dinner. This Max had anger rolling off him in waves, but he was getting what he wanted.
Why would he be angry?
The drive to his apartment was made in silence. I refused to break it. We walked through the lobby and were soon in the elevator. I looked at his profile as he watched the numbers climb. I wanted to reach out and ask him what was the matter, but we were no longer in that place. He was a stranger now. A stranger who had paid for the use of my body. The doors swished open and he made a gesture to indicate I should step out first. I walked out and felt him fall in step next to me. He stopped at a door and I waited for him to fish out his keys.
The instant we were inside, he kicked the door closed, and spun me around forcefully, his hands clamped at my waist.
“Let’s get this over with, shall we?”
Before I could respond, his mouth crushed mine violently. I was stunned at first as I tried to figure out what was wrong. I allowed my mouth to open beneath his, barely stifling a moan, as his tongue surged in forcefully.
The arousal I had wondered if I would ever feel inside this sordid business arrangement came roaring to the surface as something feral in me took over. I was in Max’s arms. Of course I was going to be aroused no matter what the circumstances were. He was my first and, as much I hated to admit, my only.
The only man for me.
I raised my arms and wrapped them around his neck as his hands yanked on the zipper of my dress. The dress slid into a dark shadow on the highly polished dark green granite floor. Wasting no time, he hoisted me into his arms and deposited me on the kitchen counter. It felt cold. I looked at him, puzzled. He held my gaze as he flicked my bra open and let my breasts spill out. Then he flicked my nipples with his thumbs almost insultingly, the way I imagined a man who bought a whore would, but there was a heat, real heat that he could not hide in his eyes.
It set my blood on fire.
He slid his hands down my side and into my panties. Automatically, I braced myself and lifted my hips for him to slip them off my legs. I realized his intention when he pulled up one of the bar stools and sat between my legs. He opened them wide. It was like old times. So illicit. Me completely naked and him fully dressed. I bit my lips as he reached out and stroked my clit with his forefinger, still holding my gaze. Then he closed his eyes and leaned forward and…
I was a goner.
Max knew my one great weakness. Eating me out was that one thing. As his tongue licked and sucked me, I struggled to stay on the counter. He chuckled and I felt the vibration of it ripple along my clit. I squirmed feverishly in his grasp as I felt that familiar tingle low in my groin.
“Oh fuck!”
He lifted his head. “Soon.”
His fingers were pumping in and out of me and I could hear the sucking wetness of my pussy with each thrust. I lifted one leg and draped it over his shoulder, giving him better access. I lay back on the cold hard counter helplessly as I thrust my pussy up to meet his fingers and mouth.
“Ahhhhhh!!!” my hands balled into fists as my climax washed over me. My chest rose and fell with the deep breaths I was taking as I tried to regain my breath.
I felt him move away. Then he took my hands in his and pulled me into a seated position. Slowly he pulled me off the counter and I stood on legs that were still a little wobbly. He turned me around and I found myself facing the counter. I heard the rasp of his zipper then felt him nudge my legs apart.
I arched my back as he entered me from behind. I braced my arms on the counter as he thrust into me, hard and fast. I could hear the slapping of our bodies as each thrust brought our flesh together. I felt my juices running down the inside of my thighs as I felt as though I was creaming like never before.
His hand came around to find my clit. He rubbed it hard and that was the beginning of the end for me. My eyes rolled up as I pushed back against him urgently. There was no discussion of protection. I pretended to myself that it was fine, because I had just had my period, but the truth that I refused to face was I wanted his seed. I had always wanted his seed. In my mouth, in my pussy, in my ass. I always wanted it.
“Max! Oh fuck. Right there. Oh, yes.”
I shuddered as yet another climax rushed upon me. I felt him thrust hard and deep and then he went still. His cock swelled inside me and I felt the heat of his explosion as he poured his seed into me.
I rested my head on the counter, my mouth open and my eyes staring vacantly. All that could now be heard in the room was the sound of both of us breathing raggedly. I put out my hand to try to stabilize myself and felt my fingers slide along the counter as they encountered a stack of papers. They fluttered to the floor.
“I’ll get them later.” His voice was husky.