Page 68 of The CEO's Revenge
“Love you more.” He leaned down to brush his lips against mine. As the kiss deepened I thought about all the things I wanted to tell him about my day, but they could all wait. Right now, I just wanted to be where I was, doing what I was doing.
Everything else could definitely wait.
Ifell back laughing as Savannah hit me hard with the pillow.
“I was sworn to secrecy,” I said in my defense.
“But you could have told me!” She swung at me again and I ducked.
“Then it wouldn’t have been a secret, would it? Besides, I’m sure it was as wonderful a surprise for you as it was for Priscilla. I wish I could have seen the look on her face when she walked out onto the back porch and saw the effort the guy had gone to.”
“You don’t keep secrets from people you go balls deep in!”
I grinned at her and wiggled my eyebrows. “I’m always going to be balls deep in you, babe, but the plan is to keep a reasonable amount of secrets from you. Don’t you want Christmas and birthday surprises?”
“You still could have told me,” she grumbled, before giving me a push. I grabbed her and let myself fall onto the bed. As she lay sprawled on top of me, I intertwined my fingers with hers and we looked at each other.
“I hope she liked the ring we picked out.”
“She loved it, but I still don’t get how you found the time to help Benny go ring shopping.”
“Where there’s a will, there’s a way. The ring was selected and bought on the same day.”
“It was very kind of you to help.”
I looked into Savannah’s eyes and smiled gently. “Actually, it was practice for me, for when I go ring hunting for you.”
Her beautiful eyes were like a green galaxy. Gold and honey colored stars swirled in them. I smoothed a lock of hair away from her forehead and kissed her. Her lips parted beneath mine as my tongue traced their fullness. I pulled her more fully on top of me and held her close as she straddled me, grinding against my cock slowly. I was already hard for her, but I resisted the urge to meet her and instead gently rolled her off me. She protested by gripping my shirt and trying to remain on top. I laughed softly.
“If we’re not careful, all we will do is stay in bed all day every day.”
“What’s wrong with that?” She pouted.
“Because I have an office to run.”
She leaned up on her elbow and trailed a hand along the front of my shirt. “I haven’t told you about Robert. I met him at lunch.”
My eyes narrowed. I was not totally okay with the idea of her helping me bring Robert down, but she seemed determined to get involved. “You did?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I knew exactly what I wanted to do and I didn’t want you to worry about it.”
I frowned. “I will always be worried when you are around him. I know what he is capable of. You don’t.”
“I believe I now know him quite as well as you. I met him in a public place. Anyway, long story short he took my bait, hook, line and sinker. I’ve convinced him that I hate your guts and will spy on you for him. The funny thing is I got the feeling I wasn’t the first spy he’s recruited. He seemed too comfortable with the idea. There was a smoothness to the whole discussion. As if he’s done it all before.”
“You aren’t the first, and I know who they are as well.”
She looked taken aback. “Wow! Really?”
I laughed. “There is very little about my business I don’t know, Savannah. I have spies of my own in his organization too. Robert has no idea how much rubbish I’ve fed him through them. By now he should have got the codes that Paul stole from my safe.”