Page 25 of Shadows and Vines
Persephone stood at the window of her office, looking out over Halcyon. The city was asleep, but some lights twinkled against the backdrop of the nighttime sky.
She had come to finish up some leftover contracts but found she could not focus on anything but Devon.
Looking away from the sleeping city, she turned back to her desk. It was simple, a large desk, organized and with few items, as she hated clutter. Two black chairs for guests, and an executive bathroom with all the modern amenities.
Nothing but black and white. Clean and organized. Plain.
Persephone was certainly lacking in the creative decorating department. She needed color. She needed life in this tired and sterile place.
Unable to stand staring at the four walls of her office any longer, Persephone called her shadows. As they heeded her call, she thought of the one place she could go outside of the mortal realm where there was always color and life.
Before she could blink, she was standing in front of the little cottage lost to the imposing Castle behind it. The cottage was very… quaint.
Persephone would describe it as that at least.
Yellow and blue, different herbs growing in containers around it, and a pack of barking dogs standing there to greet Persephone.
“Back!” Hecate yelled as she opened her cottage door, her eyes wide at seeing Persephone
there at her doorstep. “Well, come on in. Ignore my furry army.”
She moved from the door as the dogs parted to let Persephone through. A few nudging her as she passed, earning a tiny pat on the head as she walked through them to her friend’s domicile.
Shutting the door behind them, Hecate looked out at her pack through the tiny window in the door. The dogs were her family as much as Persephone and Thanatos were. They were loyal, loving, and would protect Hecate in any and all situations. Much like Cerberus. Although, Cerberus held a more human like intelligence than animal.
“What brings you to my humble home?” Hecate asked as she moved from the door to the kitchen, making tea for Persephone before she even asked. The woman loved to mess with herbs, whether for tea or witchcraft.
“I am unable to grasp what is happening,” Persephone started. “Try as I might, everything the Moirai has done so far is absolutely baffling. Could they not have graced the Underworld with another Reaper without using me? Why even send me another Reaper? Why this particular soul?”
Persephone pulled a kitchen chair out and fell into it, mentally exhausted from all the questions in her mind.
Hecate turned from where she had put the kettle on the stove and leaned back against the
counter. Her sweater proclaimed that she was a ‘winey witch’.
“Your shirt is misspelled,” Persephone informed her friend. Hecate only smirked.
“No, it’s not.”
Persephone rolled her eyes before she looked out the cottage window. Herbs grew outside, aligned in rows, potted and flourishing. Nothing could truly grow anywhere in the Underworld except Elysium.
She envied her friend’s little garden. The life that Hecate cultivated with her hands, even if it was not in the ground. She’d found a way to bring it forth.
“Let me see what I can find out,” Hecate broke Persephone’s thoughts with the offer.
“I’m sorry?”
“Devon. Let me look into what the Moirai have up their sleeve. It may lead to nothing since
they hold their cards close to their chest, but it is worth a shot.”
The kettle whistled and Hecate turned back to the stove to prepare the teacups. Persephone could think of no reason not to let Hecate look into why the Moirai would create an immortal from a mortal soul.
Hecate sat the cup of tea in front of Persephone before she settled herself in the seat across from her.
“You think you can ascertain the Moirai, of all deities, and their schemes?” Persephone let out
a little laugh before blowing on the hot liquid in her cup.