Page 43 of Shadows and Vines
“I cannot do what I need to do emotionally for him, Hecate.” She looked up at her friend’s face, desperation crawling under her skin. To make the feelings stop. “I only know how to guard souls. Emotions are complicated, and they are beyond me; I was killed before I knew adulthood.
When I was brought back, I mentally had to grow into a body far more mature than my own. I never knew adolescence, true youth.” Persephone was losing herself in her thoughts, losing herself in her past.
“You have everything you need,” Hecate soothed. “Remember what I said? A soul calls to another to find its home.”
There was so much unknown in the situation with Devon, and it frightened her. But this, a chance for a home, scared her most of all.
Chapter 18
“It’s been hours,” Devon grumbled, his irritation overriding any good mood he had. “We still have no idea what my power is or what it does except blast people across the room when I’m mad.”
Which he was on the verge of doing now. Persephone simply stood in front of him with her arms crossed, looking at him but not really seeing him.
How could he train for a job he had no clue about and with no parameters?
“You say you feel something inside of you, something you do not understood nor have the ability to control. What happens when you tap into that willingly?” she asked, her eyes now on his.
His head rolled back on his neck, looking at the basement ceiling of Cerberus in exhaustion. He really did not want to summon whatever he felt deep down; it felt dangerous and his prey instinct screamed to avoid it. Repress it.
Looking back at Persephone, he caught the irritation in her face before she smoothed it out.
Yeah, he understood that. He was living that.
“I don’t know how to poke the beast. Perhaps if Thanatos was here, I’d feel more comfortable letting it loose to throw him around a bit.”
“I can take some hits,” Persephone growled.
He felt something rise up in response. Something telling him that if he hurt her, it was game over. Whatever voice or feeling that was, it was enough to scare Devon into inaction.
“I know you can, but the scary beastie inside me is not having that.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Scary beastie?”
He only nodded. Not in the mood for her to poke fun at his term for whatever parasite was currently running amok in his brain. He was not in the mood for much these days.
He rubbed his hands over his face before dropping them to his sides, shaking them out. “Let’s try again.”
He spent another hour calling, and failing, to raise the beast inside. Whatever was inside of him was dormant, stubborn, or torturous.
Persephone watched Devon closely. She could never tell what he was thinking. The man seemed to have lived a life completely emotionally shut off from the rest of the world. His thoughts barricaded where no one, probably not even himself, could access them. He was closed up so tight, his powers were being stifled, which was not a good thing. She had decided the best way to pull his powers to the surface was to teach him some of the simpler ways of control.
She would simply start with him doing his own shadow jumps and work with him from there.
“Close your eyes and think of your room at the castle,” Persephone started, using a soothing
voice to coax him into relaxing.
“Think of the colors of the room, the placement of the furniture, the window, and the forest
beyond. Now, think of a specific spot in the room and visualize standing there in your mind.”
He closed his eyes, and she took a chance, taking his hand in hers.
There was still the initial hesitation at her touch, but he seemed to be more accepting of it and
didn’t jerk as if to pull away like he once did.