Page 45 of Shadows and Vines
Her thumb stroked the tender skin under his eye before she smoothed her hand down his cheekbone and back to his jaw. His breathing had started to become a bit unsteady, and his eyes became brighter.
She yanked her hand back and stepped away. His eyes tracked her every movement. Persephone blinked and felt her cheeks warm. Was she… blushing?
She spun on her heel and rushed from the room, not glancing back once.
She’d recognized what had taken over those glowing eyes. It was the God looking back at her, the immortal soul that had spoken to her at that first training session, and not the man. And she refused to do anything without Devon’s consent or knowledge.
It was necessary she left to keep from altering their relationship forever. To keep herself from making him completely hers.
After Persephone’s hasty escape, Devon stared at the door as it slammed shut. He was looking
out through his own eyes, he knew that, but he didn’t feel in control of his body.
His arms and legs were under the control of whatever had taken over and lit him up green.
Devon flexed his fingers, checking to see if he had control again before turning and sitting on his bed.
He fell back and stared at the ceiling, his mind in complete disarray at this point. He moved his arm up and looked at it. The green light had been moving across his skin, yet it was now perfectly normal and completely unblemished.
Nothing was out of the realm of possibility anymore, Devon thought. But to light up green was definitely not something he thought would come with his new powers.
The feeling he’d had right before the thing inside him took over, it was like he was plugging into something larger than himself. His entire system was buzzing, and he felt an immense power thrumming along his spine.
When Persephone had touched him, the power reached for her as if using her as an anchor of some sort. Like she was keeping him from floating away or keeping the power from overloading his system.
Staring at his hands, he looked them over, wondering if the light was from her proximity or if that was something he could call back himself.
A sudden thought slammed into his mind before he even realized it was forming.
He truly wasn’t Devon anymore. He wore his physical self, held his memories, but he was something else. Something that had been inside him all along, even as he trekked through the mortal life of Devon.
Nothing about this creature inside him was foreign, but something that had always been there.
As a mortal, he was better at ignoring it he supposed.
When Persephone had told him about how her death had unleashed her power, her true form, that had to have been what happened to him.
Somehow, he had the power of a God, one that was latent underneath his human form. Now that God was free.
That God was him.
That God wanted control.
Slowly, his hands fell back to his sides.
“Persephone,” he whispered out loud into the room.
This being inside him, the God, knew her. He knew her. They called to each other.
He pushed himself up to a sitting position, his breathing coming out a bit louder than he wanted. This had to be all part of some larger cosmic plan.
If he wanted to know his powers, who he was, he had a feeling the Goddess had to have more information than she was sharing. She may not know she had the answers, but she did, and he would find them. Tomorrow, he would get them from her.