Page 54 of Shadows and Vines
“Fantastic. Now, hit me with your power.”
Persephone pushed her hair back from her face and took a deep breath. Mount Olympus was as good for her as it was for Devon’s training. She gathered strength from the remnants of old magic in the air. When she opened her eyes, she found Devon watching her from the other side of the clearing.
He could now call up his Godfire and push out surges of power without being controlled by the inner God.
“I will be attending a function this evening,” she told him as she walked over to him. “The staff will be notified, and you are welcome to do as you please around the castle in my absence.” She stopped in front of him. “I should be back before sunup in the human world, but the Reevkas will be there if you need anything.”
He said nothing as he watched her.
He finally exhaled, as if reaching a decision.
“No need for that, Persephone,” he said. “I’ll go with you. I am sure a Reevka can find me a fancy suit that will fit.”
She blinked and reeled back a bit, examining his expression. He was serious, he actually wanted to go with her. She went between shock that he invited himself to her event and relief that he made the choice to attend. He had taken back control and made his own decision.
Persephone found she was pleased he wanted to come.
Pleased and anxious. She wouldn’t have the ability to control the situation as she did when they were in the Underworld or at Cerberus Financial. They would be directly exposed to anyone there that had power.
Considering it was an event run by demi-gods, and even the minor ones could hold an incredible amount of power, he would be exposed to a lot of it in one small area. And for a considerable length of time.
“I can hear you thinking and mulling over all the ways this is a bad idea, but I am going,” he decided. “I can’t be locked away for fear of my powers. If you are with me, you can help keep them under control.” He raised an eyebrow, almost daring her to argue. With a weary mind, all she could do was nod.
Waking up this morning she had managed to tell herself she was unaffected by him, that she could control her thoughts and impulses, but his proximity had made a liar out of her.
She was used to people obeying her word and letting that be the end of it. She had a feeling that would never be an issue with Devon in her life.
“I have a few more things to do before we leave,” she said. “I advise you stay here to practice and meditate.” She gathered her shadows around her.
Devon nodded. “What’s the dress?”
A smile twitched at her lips. “Black tie,” she told him.
This man was dangerous. Maybe not yet in power, but he was learning quickly how to unsteady her. When he had full use of his power — and a tuxedo–who knew if she would be left standing.
After Persephone departed in a swirl of shadow, Devon pressed his back against a tree and closed his eyes. The forest around him thrummed with energy.
All except one spot.
Devon’s eyes snapped open at the sound of breaking twigs.
Thanatos stood in the clearing with his arms crossed.
“Here to help practice?” Devon called out, forcing himself to step from the wide tree at his back.
Thanatos scoffed. “Not quite.” He stepped closer. “I had to watch over you, make sure the baby God didn’t make a mess.”
More of this?
Devon squared his shoulders. “I handled myself fine, didn’t I? Nothing happened.”
“And maybe that’s the problem.”