Page 59 of Shadows and Vines
A woman with golden curls framing her face and a purple dress that might have been a bit too tight for a formal occasion caught sight of them and headed in their direction.
Persephone leaned in close to whisper in his ear, causing some surprisingly heated thoughts to enter his mind. He was thankful for the woman’s approach right then. A distraction was sorely needed.
“Mind your words with her, she can turn them into weapons,” she warned before turning to
the woman as she entered into hearing range.
“Glad to see you could attend, Pandora,” Persephone greeted. Her tone not matching her words.
Pandora nodded but her eyes were locked onto Devon.
“Who do we have here?” Pandora asked, making an unsuccessful attempt at bedroom eyes. She looked him up and down and he was thankful when Persephone stepped closer to him, placing her hand on his arm as she introduced him.
“Let me introduce you to my date for the evening. This is Devon Aideonous. Devon, this is Pandora Deidamia. She is one of the world’s leading virologists. As hard as that can be to believe sometimes.”
Pandora laughed. One that sounded incredibly fake and insincere.
“Oh, Korinna, your words wound me. I swear, you act as if I have some hidden box of viruses to unleash upon the world.” Her smile reminding him of a viper ready to strike.
Persephone returned the smile. One that was predatory and cold. One that said she found Pandora lacking and unworthy of a battle.
“Oddly specific, Pandora,” Persephone returned the words in a deceptively mild tone. Obviously, something happened in the past between them involving biological warfare. He knew better than to ask. Ignorance is bliss and all that.
“Though if only words could wound, then perhaps these trite conversations would be moot,” Persephone continued as she ignored the aghast look on Pandora’s face.
“As for a box of viruses, I am unsure if the last few plagues haven’t been entirely your fault,” Persephone confirmed what Devon had just been thinking as she took a sip of champagne.
Persephone’s eyes continued to watch Pandora lazily as the woman in front of them took in her words.
Pandora let her smile slip as her stare grew malicious. “How is hell these days?” A caustic tone colored her words. “Lonely, I bet. Have you managed to find someone to look past your bed full of blood and bones?”
She looked at Devon on the last remark with a smirk of victory in her eyes. Persephone smiled as if Pandora were simply asking about the weather and not trying to weave malice into her words. Attempting to cut at Persephone’s identity and lack of companionship.
“Darling,” Persephone started, her voice sweet yet cold somehow. “You try so ridiculously hard to use words to cut, hurt, and deceive because that is all you know. Imagine your world should you pull people up instead of trying to bury them beneath your off-brand heels. Perhaps you might find that the gossip you spread like disease will eventually come back to haunt you. And, when I see your soul come through my gates, the damage you have done will stain your soul so black even a Goddess cannot find redemption in you. Now then, please enjoy the rest of your evening. I hear they have canapes coming out soon.”
Persephone ended this by turning her back to the woman. The ultimate insult among the social elite he supposed. Persephone was telling her she was inconsequential and feared nothing from her.
Pandora stared for a moment longer before she turned on her heels to skulk off.
Chapter 21
“Wow.” Devon laughed under his breath.
“Nothing but an annoying fly on a perfectly enjoyable summer evening,” she muttered and
took a generous sip of champagne.
He caught sight of Hera walking towards them with a faint trail of gold behind her.
“Oh, thanks. You ran her off to her hovel before I could get my hooks into her? Honestly, Persephone, you cannot let me enjoy myself at all can you?” Pouting, Hera summoned over a server to grab a glass of champagne.
“Oh my,” she murmured, eyeing the server walking toward them as she licked her lips.
“Darling, I think we should enjoy ourselves tonight in a carnal fashion. Find me after the speeches.” She winked at the young man and ran her fingers along his cheek. The man jolted a bit, as if given a little shock, before giving an overly enthusiastic nod. Hera gave him a light little pat on his cheek before her hand went to the bust of her gown to remove a room key. She slipped it into the server’s jacket pocket with a pat. The man smiled and returned to his rotation around the ballroom.
Hera turned back and spoke to Persephone and Devon in a quieter voice. “The only true joy I get from these events is a wild evening with some beautiful lovers. We all go home blissed out after. It is a wonderful experience. Persephone never enjoys herself such as Amphitrite and I do. Honestly, I would think Persephone would be the one who could find herself with a harem should she wish.”
Persephone rolled her eyes, but Devon felt his muscles tighten. He tried to relax before Hera noticed his urge for violence rising in his chest again.