Page 65 of Shadows and Vines
Persephone heard people scrambling to see what had happened, but thankfully Hera got there first.
As Archon, she had calmed the crowd and moved them from that part of the building. Amphitrite looked over to her from where she helped guard the doors with a question in her eyes. She seemed to notice Persephone wrapped tightly in Devon’s arms, unable to move an inch.
Persephone shook her head that no, she did not need help. Amphitrite nodded before she turned to help their Archon guide the people to safer ground.
She blinked at what had transpired in mere seconds.
Devon had covered her body with his own as he took down half of the building. The glass and debris hitting him instead of her.
His power.
His power had just demolished the west side of the building and gardens and he was not at all aware of it yet, she could tell.
Devon was breathing heavily in her ear and she could almost sense that he was scared to look and face what he had just done.
“Is he dead? Are we dead?” Devon asked, and the question almost made her laugh before she settled her hands against his chest to push him back. She felt his hesitation to let her go, and to her surprise, he crushed her to him for a moment longer. When he did finally release her, he held her at arm’s length with his eyes still closed.
“I don’t want to look,” he muttered, dropping his hands before he moved them to his head and grabbed fists full of hair.
She was about to reassure him when he took a deep breath and released it on a sigh, his eyes opening as he turned to take it all in.
The stone that was once the wall and part of the balcony was now reduced to rubble. The fountain was broken, sputtering water over what was now overgrown gardens.
Vines had crawled up the walls and pierced through the stone to bring it down, some vines still holding in place pieces of the wall and part of the balcony.
Green fire had blasted out like a backflash and broke windows. It looked like a war zone.
She noticed his vines had moved to keep them safe, their side of the balcony held up by vines alone.
Concerned he might lose control of them, she pulled at his arm to move them onto a stable surface.
“Why… why did I react like that?” he asked more to himself than her.
“Your emotions were heightened for some reason, most likely Tristan agitating you.” She watched his hands glow green for a split second when she said his name and decided to try to avoid speaking of him while Devon was in such a volatile state of mind. “Your power is tied to your emotional state, so when they became too much for you, you did not know how to focus and control them. This is something we have to work on.”
He turned his head to the side to look at her, his eyes lit with green Godfire. He said nothing.
Just watched her.
She held his gaze, standing confidently in an attempt to inspire confidence in him as well. A nonverbal statement that everything would be alright.
Turning to fully face her, he stalked closer, invading her personal space. She didn’t dare
move an inch, unsure of what his intentions were and her curiosity driving her to find out.
As he moved even closer to where they were almost touching, she could feel his body heat as they stood face to face. Toe to toe.
He stared into her eyes, his lit so brightly one would hardly be able to decipher the emotion in them, but she saw his confusion and something more. His face moved closer to hers and she knew in that moment he intended to kiss her. Lay claim to her.
She wondered if she should back away and break the moment. He was still emotionally vulnerable, even someone as detached as her knew that. Could see that.
She had the desire to kiss him, and that was more than she had felt in a long time, but she did not want him to do it because his God form was making him.
Yet, she did not step away.
His breath moved across her lips as she watched his eyes begin to close, hers closing as well in anticipation of the moment her lips met his. She felt his nose bump over hers as he moved his lips softly to hers.