Page 85 of Shadows and Vines
Nothing looked different to her eyes. Everything else was in its place as it should be . She knelt down and looked over the wards and runes that held the gate in place. As she ran her palms over them, she felt the power pulse and push back at her. Something else besides the wards pushed at her.
Someone had been tampering with the runes, as if they had tried to find a way for themselves to open it, not knowing that only her blood could do so. She could feel the taint of the power and knew that had to be the sickly greenish color Devon described.
Someone who routinely used their power to manipulate, kill, and maim was the only way to taint true power.
She looked and noticed the guards had checked over the area around the gates and were returning to their watch.
Devon was too far away and hidden for her to see him.
She stood and dusted herself off before she shadow jumped back to Devon. Landing behind him, she put her hand on his shoulder which caused him to spin around, his eyes darting around nervously.
“Oh, right,” she murmured before tapping her earrings to undo the invisibility spell.
“Did not know you could turn invisible.” His eyes focused on her as his demeanor returned to
a relaxed state.
“Surprise,” she whispered, tapping her left earring that was a blue sapphire in the shape of a
helmet. “Gift from the Cyclops for saving their bacon from Tartarus”.
A small smile was there one second and gone the next on his face, and she realized she wanted more of those smiles.
“What did you find out?” he asked as his head tilted down. He must know someone might be
listening and intended for her to whisper.
She followed his lead and moved closer to him to whisper in his ear. The smell of evergreen and sandalwood teased her nose, and she had to remember what she was talking about.
“I felt their power signature on the runes, as if someone was attempting to unlock it. It was not one I recognize though. I think the greenish hue you described would indicate this entity has been using their power for nefarious means.”
Before she finished her sentence, he disappeared in a gust of wind and leaves then reappeared at the gate to Tartarus. She shadow jumped as well, landing near him, checking to see if they were noticed before walking up to him as he crouched by the ruins.
“I was invisible for a reason,” she whispered but he ignored her as she moved to kneel beside him. He moved his fingers to the runes, and flew back as soon as he touched it, a small spark jumped from the ruins to his finger. He landed in a squat and she was impressed at his agility.
The Godfire lit brightly in his eyes.
“Amplifier,” he choked out, green light running up his arms, “I recognize it from the gala. More blue color here with the orange and green. It is mixed with an amplifier.”
She watched for only a moment as he started to lose control before she moved at a clipped pace to him. She wrapped her arms around him before jumping them back to the castle. Her momentum caused them to land on his bed.
He was a young God and wasn’t used to having his powers triggered, especially not as often
as they had been.
She had to do something. Vines already grew through the walls of his room and he was almost completely consumed by his power, the green light enveloping him. The waves of light coming off of him were overflowing into the room around them.
Before she could think on how to calm him, a winged serpent made of green light burst into existence and wrapped itself around him. She watched as it created a shield with its body, and became armor, scales flattening and slithering over Devon’s form. The head of the serpent on Devon’s shoulder like a pauldron.
Her jaw dropped, the shock of what she was seeing causing her mind to reel. The eerie eyes of the serpent took her in, its snake-like tongue moving out to taste the air. The wings trembling a bit, almost as if it meant to take flight, Devon in tow.
She pulled herself together and carefully walked up to him, her movements slow and her attention split between Devon and the winged serpent. She was unsure how the creature would react, especially since Devon was awake but not conscious. Completely inundated with his own power.
His eyes were pure green and there was no flicker of acknowledgment, any evidence that he was aware of the dragon-like creature currently wrapped around his body.
She raised her hands to show she was not a threat and the serpent let out a hiss but did nothing to stop her. Its nostrils flared almost as if scenting her before it laid its head back down on Devon’s shoulder.
She moved beside where Devon lay on the bed and put her hand out to pull him from the vortex of power. With her hand almost to his face, she stopped and fell to the ground as a giant tree erupted through his bedroom wall. Its branches reaching out to grasp hold of wooden timbers as it leafed its way through the logs, dislodging them.