Page 94 of Shadows and Vines
received only a shrug in return.
“It wasn’t without effort, believe me,” Thanatos mumbled, glaring at Hera.
“You’ll live without it,” Hera returned, a devilish smile.
“Not a life I want to contemplate living if I am being honest.” He eyed Hera warily as he moved
himself further away from her and behind Persephone.
“Keep crazy away from me,” he whispered as Hera snapped her teeth at him.
“Fates! She is your problem now,” he muttered before he moved to sit down in the chair
furthest from her and her sisters.
Hera’s eyes moved from him to Persephone and she watched them blaze with an onslaught of questions. Ones that she was feeling less than stable enough to deal with answering, especially with her sister’s oncoming mood swing polluting the air.
She signaled to a Reevka in the corner as she sat down. She knew she would need a drink to get through this inquisition. Her sisters followed and sat across from her in a way that made her feel like they were trapping her in the room.
“Explain,” was all Amphitrite said.
It surprised Persephone that it was her and not Hera making demands.
She sighed as a glass tumbler was placed in her hand with amber liquid. She swirled her glass a moment before she went into what she saw in Devon’s eyes during the flashback.
The flashback that had his powers lashing out at everything within a mile radius. As if he was playing the puppet without any idea on who held his strings.
“Could his mother have been an oracle?” Amphitrite asked as she looked at Hera. Hera simply
bit her lower lip as she mulled it over.
“She must have had many visions that caused her to become so overwrought that she abandoned her baby. Oracles lose touch with reality fairly quickly after coming into their abilities. Either his mother was a late bloomer or something triggered her powers. Pregnancy is a strong enough force to do such a thing.” Hera’s voice held a serious tone as everyone knew Hera held no love for anyone who dismantled the family structure, contrary to what people believed of her male alter ego, Zeus. “Could she have foreseen what all we are dealing with?”
They looked to Persephone, and she saw the question in their eyes that she pondered herself. The one that would not leave them unscathed.
“Can we ask his father? He has crossed into this realm, has he not?” Hera asked, oblivious to
the debt that would be owed at such a request.
Persephone simply nodded, sighed, and then gulped down the rest of her drink.
“I’ll work on setting that up. In the meantime, I need to focus on securing my realm. If it is a Titan and they somehow manage to free Cronus...” She was cut off before she could finish.
“No. We will not allow him free. We worked too hard to put him in there to let some of his little loyalists do anything to jeopardize that. I will send a few of my men to help secure the gate.” Hera stood and disappeared in a flash of light, leaving no argument about what she planned to do.
Amphitrite stood and moved to kneel next to Persephone.
“You do not get to deal with this alone. Hera and I have always been here and always will be. Rest, dear sister, and we will return with reinforcements.” Amphitrite ran her hand along Persephone’s shoulder as she too disappeared into her beautiful aquamarine light.
As her sister’s lights faded, she turned to look at Thanatos who sat smugly in his chair and
watched her with a raised eyebrow.
“You could have easily gotten rid of my sisters,” she stated with a voice full of irritation.
“Yes, I could have, but you need them. You have to learn to work with your allies. You do not
need to shoulder this burden alone.”