Page 8 of Forever After All
I’d sell my soul to keep my mother alive—so if I have to, I can andwillsell my body, too.
Chapter 7
I look up at the beautiful building in front of me and double check the address on the card in my hand. This place is not quite what I expected. It doesn’t look seedy at all. I was expecting an underground strip club or something similar. Instead, I take in the sprawling mansion with its perfectly manicured lawns, a huge gate separating me from what is sure to be the worst decision I will ever make.
I timidly walk up to the two security officers guarding the gate. Their rigid posture reminds me of soldiers guarding a palace, and the hostility on their faces does nothing to ease my nerves. Their cold eyes are on me as I approach, and for a second I wonder if they might pull out the guns strapped to their belts. I exhale in relief when they smile, or at least attempt to.
“Madam?” the guard on the right says, nodding at me. I fumble with the black business card in my hand, unsure of what to say. I can’t tell them I’m here to sell myself to the highest bidder, can I? The guard’s eyes fall to the card in my fingers, and he nods, pressing a button on the device in his hands. The gate swings open before I have a chance to say anything.
“Thanks,” I mumble. There’s no condemnation in their eyes, so I wonder if anyone with a card can walk in, and not just those intending to whore themselves out. Or maybe they’re just used to this. I can’t be the first woman who has found herself in this situation.
I walk toward the building, refusing to overthink why I’m doing this. I can’t afford to have second thoughts. I focus on breathing in and out steadily, keeping my steps even.
The door to the mansion swings open before I reach it, and my heart drops. I freeze, and I’m pretty sure my heart actually stops beating for a second. I can’t believe this is happening to me.
This is the last place I’d expect to run into my former childhood friend, Lucian. I blanch, and suddenly a wave of nausea hits me. Lucian walks toward me, and every step he takes sends bursts of pure panic through my veins.
At any other time, I would’ve been delighted to run into Lucian. I would’ve taken the time to apologize for walking out of his life like I did. I would’ve explained to him I had no choice, that they were going to forbid me from seeing my mother again. But not now. Now isn’t the time.
Lucian pauses in front of me, and if he gets any closer, I’m sure he’ll hear my heart pounding. I swallow and straighten, my spine rigid. “Lucian,” I say, pleased to find that my voice comes out even, and not as shaky as I expected it to be.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, surprise written all over his face. I hesitate, unsure of what plausible reason I could possibly have to be here. I’m not sure what he’s doing here either, but it’s becoming clear that the building in front of me isnotsimply a brothel.
I don’t have time to come up with an excuse, because a few seconds later Lucian’s brother walks through the door, his brows lifting in surprise when he sees me.Alexander.Oh god.
He looks even more handsome in daylight than he did that night at Inferno. Sharp cheekbones, a perfectly chiseled face, and thick, dark hair. Alexander looked good six years ago, but he looks even better now. The way he fills out his suit is unreal, and I can only imagine what kind of perfect body he’s hiding underneath it. For some reason, seeing him here, right now, really drives home what I’m about to do, and it makes me feel sick. Ashamed of myself. It makes me feel like I’m giving up a part of myself I’ll never get back. I’m giving up on the girl I used to be back when Lucian and Alexander were a part of my life.
“Elena?” Lucian says.
Alexander freezes in his tracks when Lucian says my name, his eyes widening. I can see the exact moment the puzzle pieces fall into place.
I look at the door behind Alexander resolutely and walk toward it, keeping my mouth shut, ignoring the fury written all over Alexander’s face. Nothing I do or say now is going to make him feel less betrayed. The one thing Alexander hates most is when people lie to him, and I did just that when I led him to believe we didn’t know each other. When I stole a moment that otherwise never could have belonged to me.
My shoulder brushes against Alexander’s arm, and suddenly I’m stopped in place, his hand on my wrist, his grip tight.
“Elena, is it? That’s right. ElenaDianaRousseau. I guess you didn’t lie, but you weren’t honest either.”
He doesn’t bother hiding the anger in his voice, but it’s too little, too late now anyway. I look down, unable to face him.
“This is no place for you. What are you doing here?” he asks, his voice sending a pang of nostalgia through me.
He sounds concerned, and that feeling, the feeling that someone might actually care about me, breaks my heart. I stare at his perfectly polished shoes, unable to face him. “I have an appointment,” I whisper.
“I’ll come with you. This isn’t a place you should enter alone,” he says, his voice brooking no argument. My eyes shoot up to his, and I know the panic reflected in them gave me away. Alexander tugs at my wrist and pulls me closer to him. “What are you up to?” he whispers.
I bite my lip as hard as I can in an effort to stay in control of my emotions, shaking my head as I yank my wrist loose. I walk past him, ignoring the stab in my heart. Why does it hurt just as much as walking away from the Kennedys six years ago?
I inhale deeply and make my way to the reception desk. I look around the huge room that mostly resembles a hotel lobby, wondering what I’m getting myself into and coming up empty.
“I’m here to see Mr. Vaughn,” I tell the receptionist. She immediately nods, a look of understanding on her face.
“Miss Rousseau, isn’t it?” she says, tapping away at her keyboard.
My eyes widen in surprise. Until an hour ago, I didn’t even think I’d come at all, so why does she know who I am? I have a bad feeling about this, but it’s too late to change my mind now. My mother’s life depends on me seeing this through, so I nod.
“We’ve been told to expect you. Follow me, please.”