Page 15 of Two Sticky Nuts
“If you really like the house, I can tell you that the owner is open to a rent-to-own situation. As long as your credit is good, and you’re willing to work out a payment plan you can stick to.”
“They can do that?”
She nodded. “I’m the owner.”
“Oh, I thought you were the real estate agent,” I said.
“I am,” she said. “But my grandma left me this house, and even though I love it, it’s time to let it go.”
“You’d really be willing to work something out with me?”
“I saw the look on your face when you walked in. Nothing would make me happier than seeing this house go to someone who really loves it. What’s your budget?”
I gave her some numbers, and she explained how the payment schedule would work. After two years, I’d have the option to buy the home at today’s price. I’d have to get a loan and all that, but she’d discount the sale by a certain percent if I ended up buying it. If not, she’d get to put it back on the market.
Anyway, we met the next day to sign and notarize the contract. I moved in yesterday, Sunday. Honestly, I feel like since meeting Carter, my luck is changing.
Now it’s Monday morning, and I’m walking into the office with a bounce in my step as I head to my cubicle outside Dick’s office.
Coco is setting down a bunch of folders on my desk. She’s a bottle blonde with a curvy figure who just got married a few months ago to a guy who worships the ground she walks on. He literally brings her flowers every Wednesday. It’s completely sickening, and I totally love it.
“Oh. Welcome back, Mila. You have no idea how much I missed you,” she groans.
“He didn’t behave?” I whisper.
“It was two weeks of pure hell. He kept saying, ‘Mila does it this way.’ And, ‘Mila always—’ fill in the blank. I finally had to tell him to suck it up and do a little work because I was only covering for you and things weren’t going to get done if he didn’t help.”
I try not to laugh. “How’d he take that?”
“He threatened to call you and have you come back early, but I told him you were in Jamaica and unreachable.”
I emailed Coco right before I headed to Jamaica and gave her the name of my hotel, just in case my cell didn’t work and she needed to reach me.
“And he bought it?” Because my cell was working the entire time.
“I owe you my life.”
“So?” Coco asks. “How was it?”
“Oh my God. Amazing.” I go on to tell her how at first the vacation was a bust. All those icky adorable children and happy families. But then I met Carter. “He is the sexiest man alive, Coco. I’m not kidding.”
“Got a pic?”
“Actually, I do.” I show her one of the photos I took at the waterfall.
“Oh boy, what big coconuts he has.” Her smile melts away, and she grabs my phone, her eyes intensely focused on Carter’s face. She enlarges the image. “Wait. I know him.”
“Yeah. I just can’t place where.”
“He makes indie films, so maybe you’ve seen an interview or something?” I haven’t actually stalked him online yet, because I didn’t want to risk seeing him with exes or beautiful actresses. Sofie convinced me not to get inside my head, and nothing would derail me faster.
“No. I don’t think that’s how I know him.” Coco shrugs. “I’m sure it’ll come to me later. But, yeah, he’s hot, girl.”
I beam at the photo of Carter, his shirt open, abs flexing while he caresses two big brown balls in front of his crotch.My Mr. Right.I love that he doesn’t take himself too seriously.