Page 72 of Two Sticky Nuts
That’s when I notice there are fifty other people gathered under a lit-up gazebo, everyone in suits, dresses, or some version of formal wear.
Carter looks just as nervous as Sofie.
“Maria!” yells Miguel Gusano, who’s a tall, slender man, wearing a white suit. “Why did you not tell us our guests are here?”
The woman who opened the front door appears. “Sir, they ran off before I had the chance.”
“What’s going on?” I say to Sofie.
Carter steps up. “This is the finale of my film.”
Film?“You’re filming me again?” I’m going to murder this prick. “So this is another setup—more of your bullshit stalking documentary?” He’s crazy. Totally crazy. But why is Sofie here? Why is a drug lord involved?
Carter continues, “Mila, when I met you, I was working on a movie about my life as a world traveler. It was supposed to be my big breakthrough. Until I lost my backer for some inexplicable reason.”
“Maybe he wised up and realized you’re a stupid ass?” I snap.
Carter pumps his hands in the air, urging calm. “I deserve that. And you’re right. I’m not as interesting as I thought. The moment I spent time with you that day in Jamaica, I realized thatyouneeded to be the focus of my next film.”
“Carter, you had no right to invade her privacy,” Logan says.
Carter continues, ignoring his twin. “I wanted to film Mila because I knew within ten minutes of spending time with her thatshewas destined to beyoursoul mate, Logan.”
Logan’s face contorts.
Mine does, too.
“Then it occurred to me, Logan,” Carter says with glibness, “that the real story is whether or not our connection as twins is something provable? What if the feeling I had about Mila was true, and that connection I felt with her was because she’s meant to be with my twin brother?” He holds his index finger in the air. “Thatis a story people will be interested in.”
I look at Sofie. “You were in on this?”
“No. No. I mean, I am now, but I didn’t find out until I got here.”
So she faked that call? I can’t believe she’d do this to me. It’s absolutely inexcusable.
I look at Carter, seething. “So this was all some big joke, some trick to test if you and Logan have some stupid supernatural bond?” I’m going to be sick. Then I’m going to kick the crap out of him.
“It’s more than that, Mila,” Carter says. “I’m trying to prove that love, whether it’s between two brothers or two strangers, is a force all its own. So now, the moment of truth!”
Huh?I notice several cameras set up in the coconut trees all around the garden.
“Are you or aren’t you Logan’s soul mate?” Carter asks.
I look at Logan, who looks equally stunned and ready to strangle Carter.
“I want nothing to do with this circus. I’m going home,” Logan says. “I can’t believe I left our dying mother for this crap.”
Logan turns to leave and doesn’t bother asking what I think. Too bad, because I’m in complete agreement. I want nothing to do with this.
I look at Sofie. “You made me think your life was on the line. I thought they were hurting you or that you were possibly dead.”
“Mila, this wasn’t my idea. I just thought—”
“No.” I point a finger at her. “You went too far.” I turn to leave.
“But in your heart, you knew I was okay. Didn’t you?” Sofie yells out. “Because maybe Carter, as crazy as he is, is right. You’re like a sister to me. Our bond told you I was okay. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have come here. You would have talked yourself out of it.”
I think she just called me a coward.