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He plucked the towel from her and tossed it aside. “Come with me. I have an idea.”
He led Jane to the laundry room at the back of the house. Yanking open the dryer door, he pulled out a handful of clothing. “Here we go,” he said, selecting some of Brenda’s things, including a tank top, some shorts and a pair of bikini panties. He thrust the clothing toward Jane. “Put these on.”
Jane looked confused, no doubt because she was used to being naked.
“That’s right,” Robert said, grinning broadly at her. “I have a lot of treats in store for you today.”
Something almost approaching a smile flitted over Jane’s face. Maybe her face wouldn’t be so ugly if she smiled once in a while. “Thank you,” she said quietly, taking the items. They hung loosely on Jane’s narrow frame. Still, her little titties looked nice, her nipples poking against the fabric of the top.
He led her into the kitchen and let her sit at the table. Her eyes widened at the huge mound of food on her plate and she coughed suddenly, as if she were choking on her own spit. Swallowing, she took up her fork and, with a glance at him, and his affirming nod, she scooped up a bite of eggs and put it in her mouth.
As he tucked into his own food, she ate quickly, wolfing down her share as if afraid he might suddenly take it away. She wasn’t used to eating that much, and would probably pay for it later, but that wasn’t his problem.
When she was done, he had her clean the kitchen, not bothering with the maid uniform. He had other plans and his cock was already hardening with anticipation. When she was done washing and putting things away, he said, “It’s a beautiful day and not too hot yet. How would you like to go outside?”
She drew in her breath, her big blue-gray eyes shining. “Yes, please, sir,” she said, another almost-smile hovering near the edges of her mouth. “Thank you.”
He took her to the alcove just off the kitchen and opened one of the sets of French doors that led to the back garden. He gestured her outside and followed just behind her. She stood in the soft grass, her face upturned to the sun and this time a genuine smile burst onto her face.
“Oh,” she said softly, breathing deeply through her nose and letting it out through her mouth. “It’s so beautiful.”
She brought her hand suddenly to her mouth, the smile falling away. Yes, she had spoken without permission, but Robert was in a generous mood, and anyway, he didn’t care about that shit. That was Brenda’s kink.
“It is, right?” he agreed, surveying the rolling velvet-green lawn and the meticulously kept flower beds surrounding the huge old oak trees that dotted the property. While Brenda had nixed in-house help whenever they had a toy in the basement, they had agreed there wasn’t much risk with the gardening and grounds crew, and it had never been a problem. They probably could have had the maids come, too—that’s what cages and gags were for. But it was definitely more fun to have the girl in the basement come upstairs to clean and play.
As he led Jane across the grass, he could just see the glitter of water in the in-ground pool around the side of the house, and the tennis courts beyond the trees. Sometimes he had to pinch himself at his incredibly good fortune.
To think, before he’d hooked up with Brenda, he’d been a car mechanic earning twenty dollars an hour. And while he’d never had a problem attracting women, he’d never dared indulge in the dark, dirty games Brenda and he so loved to play. Money truly did buy happiness, not to mention protection from consequences, no matter what anyone said.
“We’re going to play a little game,” he informed Jane now. “It’ll involve some acting, though I promise to make it very, very real for you.”
She stiffened at this remark. It hadn’t been meant as a threat, though in retrospect, he could see how she might take it that way.
He led her to the colorful woven hammock they’d picked up when visiting Colombia two years before. It was tied between two trees, and Robert sometimes liked to lie in it after a vigorous swim. “You’re going to relax here a while.” He lifted her and set her into the swinging hammock.
“In this game, you’re having a rest on your private property when one of your gardeners suddenly appears. I’ll set up the scene, and you just respond naturally as you would if someone was insulting you. Remember—you’re not Jane the frog in this scenario—you’re mistress of the house and super entitled. I want you to really fight me, got that? You not only have permission to resist, I insist on it. If I sense you’re giving in without a fight, it’s right back into the cage with you, and a stiff punishment to boot.”