Page 101 of Two for Alex
“Look at her. Dead to the world.” Daniel stood over Alex and Liam came to join him. She was fast asleep on the living room sofa, her golden hair covering half her face, her silk camisole twisted so her midriff was exposed above the thong panties.
Liam had been less than thrilled to find Alex on Anthony’s lap at one point in the evening after the caning. The man’s arm was around her shoulders and her cheeks were flushed. He was whispering something to her that made her laugh.
Something about the man galled him. Beyond going overboard with the caning scene, he just didn’t like him. There was an arrogance there, a posturing Liam found abhorrent. He’d always believed submission was a gift to be gratefully accepted and cherished. Not a right to be wrested and twisted to one’s desires. Something told him Anthony would disagree.
Daniel had seen them together too and commented. “Look at that. Now he’s got Alex. They look like…like lovers. What the fuck is that guy doing? I’m getting her away from him.”
Liam stopped Daniel with a hand on his arm. He didn’t want to embarrass Alex or for that matter Anthony. While he was in their home, he was their guest. Was it fair to treat him differently than the other Doms present?
“If we didn’t want her coming to the party, we should have decided that beforehand. But now that she’s here, she’s the property of every Dom here, same as you are. If he invited her onto his lap, she couldn’t very well refuse.”
Liam spoke more gently as he stroked Daniel’s hair. “I’ll admit Anthony’s not my favorite guy and we won’t be inviting him to our house any time soon. But I can’t see he’s doing anything wrong. She seems to be enjoying herself.”
Daniel grudgingly nodded, though he didn’t conceal the scowl on his face. Liam raised his eyebrows but said nothing. It was hard to know just exactly the right response to Daniel’s uncharacteristic jealousy, since he wasn’t sure himself how he felt.
Now Daniel bent down and scooped the sleeping girl into his arms. Liam followed him as they walked up the stairs. He moved ahead of Daniel to pull down Alex’s bedding. Alex didn’t wake up when Daniel set her gently onto the mattress and pulled the covers over her.
Back in their bedroom, Daniel and Liam washed and climbed into bed. Daniel lay carefully on his stomach. Liam lifted up on one elbow to inspect his back. He ran his fingers over the welts. They were no longer raised but had subsided into dark pink lines that would probably turn to purple by the next day and fade completely by the end of the week.
As upset as he’d been to find Daniel had been caned without his presence or permission, he had to grudgingly admit the whip maker had known what he was doing. Liam bent over and lightly kissed his way along a welt, his cock rising despite his exhaustion and the fact he’d come two times over the course of the evening in the mouths of eager sub boys at the party.
“You okay?” he asked softly.
Daniel didn’t answer.
Liam kissed him again, drawing his tongue along Daniel’s skin. He realized Daniel was asleep. He reached for the light and turned it off before turning back toward Daniel.
He leaned in close to him, draping Daniel’s shoulder with one arm. “I love you,” he whispered. He closed his eyes.
When he opened them, it was morning.
After a hot shower Liam put on black sweatpants and a faded red T-shirt he’d had since college. It was after eleven. He wondered how long Daniel had been up.
At that moment, Daniel stuck his head inside the bedroom door. “I’m making breakfast.” As if Daniel had conjured it with his words, Liam suddenly smelled bacon and coffee.
“Come here.” He held out his arms. Daniel entered the room and stepped into Liam’s arms. Daniel, who usually wore tight T-shirts that showed off his sculpted physique, was wearing a loose white T-shirt over dark blue shorts. Suspecting it was because of the welts, Liam asked, “How’s your back today?”
“It’s okay. The welts sting but I have to admit they look kind of hot. I keep checking them in the mirror.” Daniel laughed a little self-consciously.
“Take off your shirt. Let me see.” Daniel obeyed and Liam surveyed his back, which was striped with dark red lines. He pulled at Daniel’s shorts to inspect his bare ass, which also was welted though the thicker skin there wasn’t as damaged.
“I won’t mark you today. You’ve got more than enough marks to remind you of what you are.” As he spoke, he pulled Daniel’s shorts all the way down and spun him toward him.
Kneeling, he took Daniel’s rapidly rising shaft into his mouth and lovingly sucked and caressed it until Daniel was moaning. “Did you come last night, slave boy?”