Page 106 of Two for Alex
“Daniel gave me your list of chores.” Liam handed Alex the list written in Daniel’s small, neat hand. “Once you’re done present yourself naked on your knees in my study. I’ll inspect your housework and we’ll go from there.”
Alex took the list. “Yes, Sir,” she said in her low, slightly husky voice. He noticed her nipples protruding beneath her dress. He had a sudden urge to throw her to the ground caveman style and take her then and there.
He controlled himself. He didn’t want to disturb her routine or override what Daniel had set out for her to do. Ignoring his erection, he watched her leave, making her way upstairs to strip the bedding and clean the bathrooms. He followed soon after, entering his study with the plan of getting a little work done.
Instead he found himself staring out the window and thinking about his life. Here he was nearly thirty-five. He had a very successful law practice. He had a wonderful man in his life and now this girl, who was both a complication and a delight. How far he’d come from the anxious, troubled boy he’d once been.
He thought about his father whom he hadn’t seen in nearly ten years. He hadn’t seen his older sister Rosa in nearly as long. They had never been close and she’d moved to California several years back. Ten years his senior, she had already been out of the house for a few years when their mother died of cancer.
Liam had been ten at the time. He was an unplanned baby as his mother felt compelled to remind him when she was especially put out with him, which seemed to be often. Back then he hadn’t yet learned to control himself. He was a bundle of emotions, rushing headlong into trouble at every opportunity.
He’d been to therapy in his twenties and had obtained some insight into his behavior as part of a dysfunctional family. His father was an active alcoholic and a mean drunk. Liam’s behaviors were a way to deflect attention from the fights between his parents.
His father stopped fighting once his mother became seriously ill. Instead he retreated into his whiskey bottle, basically leaving Liam to provide any emotional support to his mother. Like a good dysfunctional child of a household affected by alcohol, Liam stepped right up.
Toward the end he would sit for hours beside his mother’s bed, reading to her from the mystery novels she liked. If he closed his eyes, he could still see her pale, delicate hand resting limply on the covers, the trace of blue veins showing just under the skin.
Within just a few months of her death his father remarried another alcoholic who was as mean when drunk as his father was. Liam retreated into his own world and his father and stepmother didn’t seem to notice. Nor did the next two wives.
It was during this time Liam discovered he liked boys. He was fifteen and basically living at the house of his best friend Dominic. Dominic had nine brothers and sisters, six of whom were still at home. They lived in a big ramshackle old stone house that was always filled with laughter and noise. The family embraced Liam, never minding that he spent every weekend and many week nights with them.
He loved Dominic but hadn’t yet admitted the sexual component of his love. It wasn’t that he denied it—it was more that he was constantly horny anyway, being a fifteen-year-old boy.
Dominic made the first move. The two of them were sleeping in the full-sized bed beneath the twin bunk where Dominic’s younger brother slept. One night, Liam awoke to find Dominic spooning him, his erect cock moving against Liam’s back. He lay very still, his own cock hardening. Dominic began to thrust, making muted, gasping sounds. Liam slipped his hand into his underwear and massaged his cock in time to Dominic’s movements. He came seconds after Dominic did. Dominic rolled away from him and neither of them acknowledged what had happened.
But the next night they did it again, this time with Liam taking the lead and rubbing up against Dominic. They were careful to be very quiet with Dominic’s little brother snoring and snuffling overhead. After a week or so they progressed to actually looking at one another. At first, they would mutually masturbate, spurred on by each other.
Within a month they worked up the nerve to pull down their underwear and grope for one another. Liam still remembered the thrill of stroking Dominic’s cock and watching his face. Even then he’d felt his own power at making another person orgasm. He’d reveled in the reactions he could create and his control of that reaction with his touch. Liam discovered girls the year after but no experience ever equaled the thrill of his first time with a boy.