Page 109 of Two for Alex
He’d promised himself he wouldn’t fuck her, not without Daniel present. But Daniel wouldn’t know, a little voice whispered in his brain. Alex won’t tell.
He drew himself up sharply, the panting, shuddering girl at his feet for a moment nearly forgotten.
The first death knell in a relationship. He’d just considered keeping a secret from the man who meant more than anything else in the world to him. He’d actually thought about doing something behind Daniel’s back, something he would then hide.
This was worse than what Daniel had done. Daniel had acted on impulse. His only crime, if that’s what it was, was disobedience for which he was punished.
Shaken, Liam took a step back, his cock flagging. He tried to focus on the sweet, spent girl lying on the ground in front of him. She was looking at him. He held out his hand and she took it. Hoisting her upright, he took her into his arms and held her close. He clung to her, thinking how close he’d come to betraying Daniel.
Maybe this whole thing, while an entertaining diversion, was getting out of hand. The tension he’d thought they could work through once Alex moved in on a more permanent basis didn’t seem to be lessening. If anything it was getting worse.
He rubbed his cheek against the top of Alex’s head. Her shampoo smelled good. Poor Alex. Though she didn’t know it, she was caught in the middle. It wasn’t her fault he was so conflicted.
After a moment he let her go and stepped back. “You did good, Alex. I’m very pleased with you. Let’s go make some lunch. Daniel left us some chicken salad. You can wear clothing. Whatever you want to put on.”
“Oh. We’re…we’re done then?” The disappointment was evident in her voice. She’d obviously been expecting more training or perhaps out-and-out sex. Daniel probably spent hours with her. Liam’s cock stirred at the thought of Daniel disciplining Alex but he wasn’t in the mood to pay attention.
“Yes,” he snapped. “We’re done. Didn’t I just say so?” Her wounded look just added to the eggshells of guilt he was already treading on. Sometimes being a Dom was just too much damn work.
Chapter 12
Daniel turned off the engine and coasted down the last bit of driveway. Parking his truck off to the side, he climbed out and walked to the front door. The meeting for the landscaping project had gone well and he’d been done earlier than he expected.
Probably earlier than Liam expected too.
They left the front door unlocked during the day. He turned the handle and opened it. The well-oiled hinges didn’t make a sound. Without calling out a greeting, he moved on silent feet up the stairs and walked to the playroom, almost sick from nervous anticipation over what he would find.
He couldn’t stop the tumble of images—Alex, naked and tethered on the cross, her body drenched in sweat or bound spread-eagle to the exam table, Liam’s body draped over hers, his hips rising and falling as he thrust deep into her, calling her name…
The door was ajar and he pushed it open, filled with both excitement and dread.
The room was empty.
He stood staring for a confused moment. Turning, he looked into the master bedroom but this was also empty. He ran down the stairs, calling, “Hey, I’m home.”
“We’re in the kitchen,” Liam called. When Daniel entered, he saw the two of them at the table eating sandwiches. Shame washed over him. He’d been ready to catch them making love behind his back and here they were just having lunch.
He sank into a chair and ran his hand over his face. What was happening to him? Liam was his world, his Master, his life. It had been Daniel’s idea to bring someone into their lives. If Liam wanted to enjoy her on his own from time to time, who was Daniel to stand in his way? Why was he attempting to withhold something from the man he’d sworn to honor and obey?
“Hey, Daniel.” Liam put his hand on Daniel’s arm. He was looking at him with concern. “You okay? Too much sun?”
“What? Oh yeah. I mean no. I don’t know. I’m fine.”
Liam eyed him though he said nothing for a few beats. Then he offered, “How about some lemonade and a sandwich? You haven’t had lunch yet, have you?”
“No. I mean, I haven’t but no thanks. I’m not hungry.” He glanced at Alex. She was watching them, a small frown on her face. He turned back to Liam. “Listen. We need to talk. I need to talk.”
“Me too.”
It felt like someone had reached in and twisted his heart. It actually hurt and he put his hand to his chest. Was this it? Was Liam going to tell him Alex had replaced him in his affections?
Even while this ridiculous thought hurtled through his brain, he knew it was nuts. Maybe something was going on but not that. She was a distraction, yeah, but no way could she waltz into their lives and in two weeks destroy what they’d spent over a year building together.