Page 126 of Two for Alex
He was still asleep above her. An idea slipped into her mind. She twisted her head and was able to angle herself to reach his feet with her mouth. She began to lick and kiss his toes.
As she had hoped, he woke quickly. “What’re you doing?”
“Kissing your feet, Sir. I was hoping you would let me kiss your cock as well. I would love to wake you up each morning by taking your perfect cock into my mouth, Sir.”
What man could resist such an offer? Even a crazed dickwad wouldn’t pass up the chance of an early morning blowjob. Or so she fervently hoped.
He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “That sounds delightful, Alexandra.” He released her from the bars and pulled her up between his legs. “You may use your hands,” he said magnanimously.
She applied herself for all she was worth, bringing his early morning erection quickly to ejaculation. He came in her mouth and she forced herself to swallow every drop. She continued to lick and kiss him until he pushed her away.
“Thank you, Sir,” she whispered with manufactured ardor. “You honor me with your seed.” He would like that.
He smiled warmly, eating it up. He patted her head benignly. “I need to use the facilities. I’ll be right back. You have earned a reward, Alexandra.”
Her heart began to pound so hard she was afraid for a moment he would hear it. He turned away, rising from the bed and walking into the bathroom. When she heard the sound of him using the toilet, she leaped up and hurtled toward the reading table, snagging her purse under her arm.
She’d realized while lying awake the night before that her clothing was still up in the attic. She could hear the sink water running. Desperately she grabbed Anthony’s shirt, which lay neatly folded over the chair and ran out of the room.
Her heart was slamming so hard she thought it might knock her over. She raced down the stairs, pulling the shirt over her shoulders as she ran. She managed to turn the lock on the front door and pull it open. Sprinting toward her car on bare feet, she yanked the door open, relieved she hadn’t bothered to lock the car.
She hurled herself into the driver’s seat and fumbled in her purse, searching for her keys. Her hands were shaking so hard it took her three times to finally get the key into the ignition. The engine turned and sprang to life. She put the car in gear and floored the gas, tearing out of the driveway on screeching tires.
As she drove, she watched anxiously in her rearview mirror, terrified he might come after her. She realized tears were streaming down her face. When she saw the entrance ramp to the highway, she began to cry, though they were tears of relief, not sorrow.
She had made it. She had escaped from that bastard. She was free and life had never seemed sweeter than at that moment.
Chapter 16
“It’s nice out. I think I might take a run, if that’s all right with you.” Sunday morning had dawned cool and clear, the muggy heat of the last several weeks finally dissipated.
Liam smiled at Daniel, secretly delighted. This would make his plan a little easier since Daniel would be gone at least an hour. He liked to drive down to a particular section of the shore and run along the beach. His being gone would make Liam’s absence somewhat less conspicuous. To cover his bases, he said, “No problem. I was thinking of going into town in a while myself. I have a few errands to run.”
Daniel went to change into his running clothes and Liam retreated to his study to get what he needed. He kissed Daniel goodbye and watched the handsome man climb into his red truck, thinking for the thousandth time how incredibly lucky he was to have such a man in his life.
Once Daniel had driven away, Liam grabbed his keys and headed for his own car. He pulled the folded piece of paper that contained the map and directions of his destination from his pocket and placed it on the passenger seat. If they couldn’t get Mohammed back to the mountain, then he’d bring the mountain to Mohammed.
Liam slowed to a crawl when he reached Alex’s street. It was the ½ in the address that was throwing him. 342½ Baker Street. Then he remembered it was a garage apartment—literally located over someone’s garage. He found 342 Baker Street and pulled into the long driveway, which wound back behind the house to a garage with an apartment above it.
Alex’s little red car was nowhere to be seen. He looked at his watch—eight forty-five. Maybe she was out at the supermarket or having breakfast with a friend. Having already spent forty-five minutes getting there, he hadn’t planned on having to wait for her return.