Page 26 of Two for Alex
Being stuck in this cage was perhaps the first true punishment she had ever suffered—confined, forbidden to touch herself, ignored. She wanted to rattle the bars, to scream at them, to demand they let her out and make love to her, spank her, wrap her in their arms as Liam was now doing to Daniel. He pulled him up on his lap and wrapped his arms around him as they kissed.
“I want your ass,” she heard Liam say to Daniel. Together they stood, moving arm in arm from the playroom, the poor naked girl in the cage apparently forgotten.
She stared at the empty room in disbelief. How could they have just left her like that. Were they going off to have sex in their bedroom, leaving her here alone? Now she did shake the bars, causing the padlock to rattle against the small door. “What about me?” she whined. “What about me?”
Chapter 6
Alex stood tall, as tall as her five-foot, two-inch frame would allow, her eyes ahead, her hair still damp from her shower, tucked behind her ears. She longed for a cup of coffee. Her arms were beginning to ache from holding her position, fingers laced behind her head, elbows jutting to either side.
She could see herself reflected in the wardrobe mirror from the corner of her eye. Her nipples were jutting shamelessly from her breasts, lifted and thrust forward by her position. She knew she presented a pretty picture. She could feel the swelling tingle of lust building between her legs in anticipation of Liam’s impending inspection.
Daniel had woken her only twenty-five minutes before, pulling her from a deep sleep. For a moment she’d stared without comprehension at the handsome man leaning down over her. For a split second she thought she’d picked him up at a bar or party and was surprised to find he was still so good-looking the morning after.
“Hey! You should have been up already. Didn’t you set your alarm? Liam will be in to inspect you in twenty minutes. Get yourself groomed and ready.”
Alex squinted at the small alarm clock next to the bed. Six-fifteen. The crack of dawn. She vaguely remembered turning off the annoying beep, beep, beep that had roused her at six, before slipping at once back into a sensual dream.
Daniel continued to shake her shoulder. The night before tumbled up into her brain as she came fully awake—the whipping, the intense orgasm while tied down to the table, her punishment as she watched the two men make love in front of her and then leave her caged and alone for the next hour to contemplate the error of her ways. Even that confinement, while truly a punishment, had been sexy in its own strange way. And, she thought proudly to herself, she hadn’t brought herself to orgasm—partly because she was afraid of getting caught, but there was more to it. Each time she thought of taking what pleasure she could while forced to lie curled on the unyielding floor of the cage, she saw Liam’s face in her mind’s eye. His question had given her pause—was she merely paying lip service to the idea of sexual submission? Or did she honestly want to experience a true exchange of erotic power?
“I’m awake,” she said, pulling at the sheet to cover her bare breasts, though Daniel was already turning away. As he walked out of the room, she admired his strongly muscled back, which tapered to narrow hips and a luscious ass, covered today by black cotton shorts. She wondered if he’d already been marked for the morning by his Master. Would she be marked today as well?
She stood naked in front of the wardrobe mirror and turned around to see if the snake had left its mark. She felt a perverse thrill to note the pale pink lines still evident from last night’s initiation to the single tail. She drew her finger along one of them, her cunt moistening between her legs.
She stood under the warm spray of the shower, her face upturned, eyes closed. Images of Liam kneeling before his submissive lover, masterfully stroking and sucking him to orgasm before being taken over his knee for a hot spanking floated before her mind’s eye. She grabbed the shampoo and squirted some into her palm, hurriedly washing her hair, trying to ignore the pulsing at her sex.
Lathering herself with the special shaving cream Daniel had given her, she shaved her underarms and legs, though they were still smooth from the day before, and then turned her attentions to her cunt. She ran the sharp blades over and over her tender flesh, and if her fingers strayed ever-so slightly to her clit, it was purely by accident.
Hurriedly she dried herself and combed her hair back. She brushed her teeth, spritzed on some perfume and rushed into the bedroom, assuming the inspection position with only a minute to spare. She stared at the clock in front of her, willing her breathing to slow in time to its steady tick-tock. Six thirty-four. The no-doubt punctual Liam would stride through her door in a moment, probably already dressed in his suit and tie, ready to inspect the new slave girl. As the minute hand moved to six thirty-five, she tensed, holding her breath, straining to hear his steps along the hallway, but all was silent.