Page 43 of Two for Alex
“Perhaps a chastity belt,” Daniel offered, grinning. Alex controlled her impulse to shoot him a withering look. Instead, she affected what she hoped was a chastened expression. Was it her fault she was turned-on by being manhandled by two of the most gorgeous men she’d ever been with? Was it her fault her clit ached so much she thought she might explode if she didn’t at least rub it a little?
“We won’t rule it out,” Liam said with a frown, though it seemed to Alex his eyes were dancing with mirth. “We’ll have to get her fitted of course. Bring someone in to take her measurements.” Alex closed her eyes, the image of a stainless-steel chastity belt like the kind she’d seen in Internet sex toy catalogues coming into her mind. They looked very sexy in the pictures—long strips of metal covering the clit and outer labia, locked into place with a key only her Masters would retain. She knew herself—knew the moment such a device was placed over her sex her desire would heighten tenfold. Alex had always been the sort of person who craved the thing she was forbidden much more so than if it had been freely given.
“I’ll be good,” she said in a little girl voice.
“You will, we’ll see to it,” Daniel promised.
Liam rolled from his side of the bed and stood. Alex couldn’t help but stare at his naked form, longer and leaner than Daniel but no less attractive. He had dark curling chest hair in a V on his sternum, tapering down between strong abs. His cock, even at half-mast, was formidable, longer than Daniel’s and nearly as thick. She could almost feel it pressing its way into her hot, needy tunnel. Liam wasn’t looking at her however.
“Daniel, come with me a moment.” Daniel at once sat up and swung his feet over the side of the bed. Together the two men retreated into their bathroom, leaving Alex alone in the huge bed. How lovely it would be to sleep here between the two of them, she thought, after a long session of lovemaking. She would fall into an exhausted, sated sleep, cradled in the arms of her two lovers…
The men came out a moment later. “Get on the floor, Alex. On your knees,” Daniel snapped. “You’re going to make Liam’s cock hard for me.” Alex scurried to obey, thrilled to be permitted to suck Liam’s cock at last. She hoped she’d be able to keep that damn gag reflex at bay. She would think peaceful, easing thoughts, opening herself to him as best she could.
Liam stood imperiously before her, his deep, dark eyes boring into hers as she eagerly took his cock into her mouth. Automatically she lifted her hands to cup and fondle his balls and grip the base of his long cock. Daniel, who stood just behind her, grabbed her wrists and held her hands behind her back. “No, no,” he admonished her. “No hands. You aren’t there to get him off, slut. Just to make him hard. He’ll use you as he sees fit.”
“Cuff her, Daniel. It’s tiresome to keep reminding her.” As Liam spoke, he took Alex’s head in his hands, holding her steady while he eased his cock into her mouth. A moment later Daniel was behind her, slipping leather cuffs onto her wrists and clipping them together. She knelt in helpless subservience as Liam began to fuck her mouth. His cock quickly hardened to its full length, snaking its way down her throat as he held her fast. Alex began to gag and tried to pull back but he held her fast.
“She’ll need a lot more training, Daniel,” Liam said. Alex’s eyes were tearing and she felt herself veering toward panic as he choked her with his cock. He apparently took pity because he pulled back and allowed her to take a breath before entering her mouth once more.
“Get your ass ready for me, sexy boy,” Liam’s sensual voice held a clear command.
Oh my god. He’s going to fuck Daniel in front of me.
One of Alex’s hottest fantasies was to watch two strong, beautiful men have wild sex. Of course the fantasy included her as they turned finally from one another to make passionate love to her until she passed out. Could her wildest dreams be coming true tonight?
Breathe. I have to breathe.
Liam’s cock still down her throat, her heart was pounding, not from sexual desire but from lack of oxygen. Surely, he’d let her go in a second. How long until a person passed out? She felt dizzy, her mind stilling as her brain seemed to shut itself down…
All at once, he released her and she fell back. The world clicked back on as she gasped for precious air. She shook her hair from her face, unable to use her hands, which were still tethered behind her.