Page 46 of Two for Alex
He’d forgotten her finally when Liam began to stroke his cock. Pleasure obscured all other emotions and concerns as Liam used him in just the way he craved, rough and hard while stroking his cock to a frenzy. It had taken all his willpower not to shoot his seed before Liam was ready.
When he came to himself after the blinding orgasm, he found the strength to turn toward Alex, still kneeling naked and alone on the floor by the bed. Liam had been correct to send her to her room without sexual release. She had yet to earn that gift.
He glanced at the clock on her wall, which read six-fifteen. He’d let her sleep in a little since Liam and he had slept in as well. “Wake up, sleepyhead,” he said, walking into the room. He leaned down and released the clip that held Alex’s cuffs together. She probably could have managed to get the cuffs off herself if she’d wanted to. He was glad to see she hadn’t. He found himself wanting her to succeed. In just the two days she’d been with them she’d made remarkable progress in terms of submission. He’d been forced to revise his initial assessment of her as nothing more than a horny masochist who got off on watching guys make out.
Alex stirred and stretched her arms over her head in a languorous gesture. She opened her eyes and sat up, rubbing her wrists. As she came fully awake, she smiled toward Daniel. “Hey. Thanks. They drove me nuts all night. I don’t think I slept at all.”
“You were sleeping like a log just now,” he rejoined with a grin. “But you better get up. Liam will be in to see you in twenty minutes for inspection. You don’t want to let him down.” He was pleased to see her jump from the bed and scurry to the bathroom. Already showered and groomed himself, he went downstairs to make breakfast.
They were folding laundry together when Alex asked, “How did you do that last night?”
“Do what?”
“Come right when Liam told you to? I don’t think I could do that. My orgasms control me, not the other way around.”
“It’s not really a matter of coming when he tells me,” Daniel explained. “It’s more like controlling it until he gives me permission. Last night I nearly came too soon.” Shyly he added, “I didn’t realize what a turn-on it would be to have you watching us.”
Alex smiled and ducked her head. “For me too.” She gave a rueful smile. “I’m trying to get used to this perpetual state of sexual frustration. It’s not easy, let me tell you.”
Daniel, who was used to such minor deprivation, as he considered it, just laughed. “You better get used to it if you stick around here. Liam understands the submissive mentality. He knows a whipping or being put in the cage isn’t really punishment. He’s aware of the underlying sensual thrill we subs get from that sort of thing. He knows the only real punishment is withholding what we crave. For you that’s clearly the orgasm. You’re not difficult to read, Alex, no offense.”
Alex flushed and looked away. Daniel took pity on her. “Listen, one thing you can try is to sublimate all that sexual tension. I haven’t worked out all week. I bet you could use some exercise too, right? After chores let’s work out. A few miles on the stationary bicycle might at least distract you for a while.”
Alex nodded and after they’d cleaned the house to Daniel’s satisfaction they went up to the playroom. Both were wearing shorts and tank tops. Daniel watched with amusement as Alex’s nipples stiffened as she hungrily eyed the whips and floggers on the wall. Daniel directed her toward the exercise corner.
“Go ahead,” he said, “ride the bike a while. I’m going to lift some weights. I’ll put on some music for us.” He selected a rock tape, something with a lively beat to keep them going. He began his workout routine as Alex dutifully climbed on the bike. Though the central air was pumping, he soon worked up a sweat. Glancing at Alex, he saw she was sweating too, her face shiny with exertion. He watched her as he raised and lowered weights of increasing heaviness. He loved the slow burn that developed in his muscles as he warmed up and began to tax his endurance.
He admired Alex’s form as she rode. Her legs were lean and strong. She was leaning forward, gripping the handles, her lips slightly parted with exertion. Her breasts swayed gently beneath the tank top. “Take off your top,” he said suddenly. He was after all in charge, was he not?
She hesitated a moment but as he continued to gaze at her, she released the bars and slowed her pedaling, lifted the hem of her shirt and pulled it free. Her high, firm breasts popped into view, her nipples fully erect. He continued to lift weights, saying nothing. She began to ride hard, the sweat trickling provocatively between her swaying breasts. She was moving on the seat, a small rocking motion and her breath came in hoarse pants.