Page 49 of Two for Alex
He had known Daniel was home, lovingly caring for their house and gardens. The proof was in the gleaming surfaces, the wonderful food, the beautiful flowers and rolling lawns. It was in the way Daniel kept himself fit and sexy. And in the way he was waiting with utter devotion by the door when Liam arrived, ready and eager to worship his Master’s body and nurture his soul.
How could he have been so foolish as to think a third person could do anything but throw a wrench in the perfect machinery of their finely tuned D/s relationship? What had he been thinking to permit such a manipulative slut of a girl to spend the day alone with his Daniel, luring him into her clutches and away from Liam?
“Cut it out,” he said aloud, aware he was being ridiculous. It wasn’t Alex’s fault. Daniel was the one in charge. Even if she’d been seductive and inappropriate in her supposed role as submissive to them both, Daniel should have exercised better judgment. Daniel was responsible for her submissive behavior while they were home alone. Hadn’t Liam himself given Daniel carte blanche while he was away? No, he hadn’t expected to find them fucking on the floor—the image stabbed at his heart and he shook it away—but to be fair, he’d never expressly forbidden it. He’d had no problem with Daniel’s punishment of her the day before, tying the girl down and bringing her near to orgasm without permitting her the much-needed release.
Was this so very different? If a Master wanted to fuck his slave, hadn’t he the right? Wasn’t Daniel guilty only of the technicality of coming without permission? Still, he couldn’t help but wonder if he hadn’t been there to witness the infraction, would Daniel have confessed on his own?
Liam closed his eyes, half wishing he hadn’t come home early but had been left in ignorant bliss as to what had just transpired between his two subs. The wish was halfhearted however. Liam preferred to face things head-on. If there was something to deal with here—if Daniel were in fact falling in love with someone else—it was better to find out now and deal with it straight up. Meanwhile, Liam still had a duty as Daniel’s Master to punish him as promised. He didn’t know if Alex had come or not. Frankly, he didn’t care. He would punish her too just because he wished to.
He went back upstairs, stopping in the bedroom to change into shorts and a T-shirt. He laid his suit over the rack in the corner of the room, aware Daniel would later hang it or send it to the cleaners if it needed it. Daniel always made sure his clothes were clean and pressed, his shoes shined, his ties neatly arranged in the tidy closet. Liam sighed as he thought about the hundred things Daniel did for him every day above and beyond the sexually submissive adoration he lavished on him.
Only that morning Daniel had woken him as he often did by slipping down beneath the sheets to take Liam’s cock into his warm, eager mouth. Liam would wake slowly, his body responding to the warm caress of Daniel’s tongue before his mind came fully alert. Sometimes he would permit Daniel to continue until he came, spurting his seed down Daniel’s throat. Daniel would keep his cock in his mouth until it softened. Then he would slip down to lick and suckle his balls in a gesture Liam found deeply sensual and submissive.
Other times he would withdraw his still-erect cock shiny with Daniel’s kisses, stopping before he came. He too liked to burn for his lover, aware their lovemaking that night would be all the sweeter for it.
He walked into the playroom on bare feet. Both subs were kneeling side by side on the floor, their foreheads touching the carpet, their asses raised. Their arms were extended in front of them on the ground as if in supplication. In spite of himself, Liam stood in front of them, his hands on his hips, feeling his power rise like a serpent in his gut.
He touched the top of Alex’s still-wet head with his toe. “You. Go to the toy chest and get Daniel’s leather cock ring. And get the snake too.” The girl leapt to her feet and hurried to do his bidding. Daniel remained stock still, head down. Liam knelt beside him. “Since it’s your cock that got you in trouble, I’m going to punish it. Go wait at the cross. Assume the position, facing the room.”
Daniel jumped up. “I love you,” he whispered so softly Liam wasn’t sure he had spoken. He resisted his own impulse to respond in kind. Right now he was the stern taskmaster and it was a much easier role to bear than that of betrayed lover, and so he embraced it. “Do what you’re told,” he snapped, trying to ignore the hurt that washed over Daniel’s face.