Page 68 of Two for Alex
Liam leaned over the table, putting his hand lightly over Daniel’s. They smiled at one another as if nothing in the world existed except the two of them. In that one moment Alex felt such loneliness, she nearly cried aloud.
“Can I stay? Please let me stay,” she blurted, and then blushed hotly, silently cursing herself. So much for gracious and cool.
Liam and Daniel both turned to stare at her. She thought of taking it back, pretending she hadn’t meant it, she was only kidding. But she had meant it. She didn’t know if she wanted to spend her life with them. She didn’t know if it were really possible to be in love with two men at once, or if they could find a way to love her, to include her in their lives. All she knew was that at that moment she wanted nothing more than to finish breakfast, shower and groom, present herself for inspection, do her chores with Daniel, perhaps spend the afternoon working on her new novel—Two Masters for Amy—and open herself to whatever delightful games they had planned for the evening. She wanted to curl up in their bed again at night and wake up the next morning and do it all again.
Neither man answered her, at least not with words. They were both smiling. Liam gave a small nod to Daniel, who stood and retrieved something from the counter. He set an oblong box on the table next to Alex’s plate. She stared down at it. “Go on,” he said, “open it. They’re for you, if you want them. You need to understand if you accept them, you belong to us. They are symbolic of your giving yourself to us freely and without reservation. We want you, but only on our terms. That means all or nothing.”
Alex lifted the lid off the box. She stared down at the slim silver cuffs. They were identical to the ones Daniel wore and never removed. She lifted them in her hands, her eyes filling with tears of joy.
She handed one cuff to Daniel and the other to Liam. Holding out her wrists, she said, “I accept.”
Two Loves for Alex – Chapter 1
Daniel was draped over the small stool they used for his daily marking, his forehead touching the floor, his arms stretched out on the carpet, his cock erect. The single-tail lash was balanced over his lower back. If he moved, he would dislodge it, which would displease Liam. He loved their morning ritual, which Liam had instituted early on in their relationship to help Daniel start each day in a properly submissive state of mind.
Liam was in the bathroom shaving. The door was ajar and Daniel could hear the water running in the sink. He kept his eyes closed, focusing on his position, naked and waiting for his Master’s mark.
When Liam came into the bedroom, Daniel didn’t move. He’d learned to maintain whatever position he was in for long periods of time, though Liam rarely kept him waiting for very long.
His cock hardened as Liam came into the room. The whip was lifted from his back. “Who do you belong to, Daniel?”
“You, Sir.”
“I love you, Daniel.”
“I love you, Sir.”
Liam didn’t require Daniel to call him Sir. In fact, he usually just called Liam by his name. But when he was in a subservient position such as this, naked, ass offered up for the lash, the word fell naturally from his lips.
The leather tail caught him neatly across both cheeks. Daniel gasped. Fire ran along his tortured flesh. He could feel the welt rising and, along with it, his cock.
Liam tapped his shoulder. Daniel rose, moving as gracefully as he could. Liam stepped back. He watched with glittering eyes as Daniel assumed his position for inspection, fingers laced behind his head, legs spread, chin up.
Liam ran his finger along Daniel’s smooth jaw. He pressed his palms against Daniel’s chest and moved them down his body. He gripped Daniel’s erect shaft in one hand, while his other hand explored Daniel’s shaven pubic area and balls.
Daniel bit his lip to remind himself to stay perfectly still. He forced himself to resist the aching desire to thrust himself against Liam’s strong fingers.
“Good,” Liam pronounced. Liam moved behind him and Daniel at once bent forward, grabbing his ankles with his hands.
Liam’s fingers moved lightly over the welt that still burned on Daniel’s ass. They gently probed his hole and moved along the cleft, which Daniel had made sure was smooth as a baby’s bottom—as smooth as the soft skin of the girl who had left them the morning before.
Alex—that adorable brat who required nearly constant correction—had fallen into their lives like an explosion.
Did she really have what it took to become a true, obedient submissive? Liam seemed certain. Daniel was less sure. At the same time, he couldn’t deny the thrill that having her with them had added to their already satisfying lifestyle.