Page 71 of Two for Alex
Could it be after some time for considered reflection, she had decided there was no way she wanted to submit to them both, relegated as she was to the status of sub and not lover?
He could hardly blame her. After all, she was well aware of the loving, committed relationship between Liam and himself. She couldn’t hope to compete with that. And if he knew Alex, she wouldn’t be content unless she was the center of attention and the center of any long-term relationship.
The thought saddened him. He had to admit he’d been looking forward to seeing her again. To putting her through her paces, to having her company during the day while Liam was at work, making his chores lighter and giving him the chance to exercise his dominant will on a beautiful, mostly compliant sub.
While Daniel’s emotional connection had always been with other men, he’d had his share of women in his time. He enjoyed their soft feminine heat. Yet until Alex had come into their lives, he would have hotly denied the possibility of falling in love with one.
Not that he was in love with Alex. That was a ridiculous thought and he shook it away at once. No, he was merely attracted to her and deeply excited by the new dimension having a second submissive in the relationship afforded them.
He looked for the hundredth time at the clock, telling himself to be patient. After all, she had to drive a fair distance. Maybe she’d gotten stuck in traffic. Or she might even still be asleep. He smiled fondly, recalling the several times he’d had to shake her awake until she’d become accustomed to rising when he did.
He heard the unmistakable crunch of gravel beneath the tires of a car. Racing to the front hall, he peered through the peephole. His heart began to thump while he watched Alex, with that tumble of flyaway butterscotch blond hair blowing about her face, climb out of the small red car and hoist her bags over her shoulder.
He put his hand on the knob, thinking he should help her carry her things. Something held him back. Though she’d been gone less than forty-eight hours, he was suddenly shy. He shook away the feeling. He was her Dom. He had nothing to be shy about.
He watched her walk toward the front door. She set down the bags and ran her fingers through her hair, her large green eyes flickering nervously toward the bell and back toward the door.
She took a deep breath and finally pushed the doorbell. The chimes echoed through the foyer. Daniel watched her a moment longer, planning how he would greet her, Master to slave, Dom to sub, giving her no chance to cast any feminine spells over him.
He opened the door and Alex stepped over the threshold with a shy smile. She put her bags down and stood uncertainly just inside the door. Daniel said, “Welcome back, Alex. We missed you.”
He had planned to command her to strip at once and present herself for inspection. They would hit the ground running and set the tone for her training. But before he could get in another word, she flung herself into his arms, wrapping her entire five-foot-two body around his like a snake clinging to a branch.
“Daniel. Daniel. I missed you so much.” She stood on tiptoe, showering his face with tiny kisses. Despite his intentions to be firm and authoritative from the outset, her display completely disarmed him. He found himself hugging her back and laughing, a ridiculous joy surging through him at her eager, effusive attentions.
Finally he pried her loose and held her at arm’s length. She was wearing a silky sundress of bright blue with yellow flowers. Her nipples were clearly visible through the clingy fabric. Daniel’s cock hardened of its own accord.
“I am so happy. I couldn’t wait to get back here,” effused Alex. Daniel studied her face. This weekend while you were away from us, did you obey the rules even while you were alone in your apartment?”
He watched the telltale flush of pink and the way her eyes flitted away when she was caught in a lie. He knew already just how she’d transgressed. The girl was highly sexed and hopelessly lacking in self-control.
“Are you going to answer me? Think before you do. If you lie now, you’re setting the tone between us. I want to be able to trust you, Alex, just as you must be able to trust Liam and me. So I’ll ask again. Did you obey our rules, all our rules, while you were gone?”
Alex licked her lips and looked down. Her guilt might as well have been painted in large letters on her forehead. He was sure she’d stolen at least one orgasm. She swallowed and mumbled something.