Page 80 of Two for Alex
Daniel returned a moment later. Pushing aside the dishes on the table, he lifted the tissue paper that covered the gift. Alex was twitching with the effort to hold her position and not peek.
“It’s okay,” Liam said. “You can stand at ease. Go ahead and look.”
Alex dropped her arms and turned expectantly toward the table. She stared. “What—what is that?”
“It’s a chastity belt.” Daniel lifted the series of leather straps and buckles, holding them up for inspection.
“A…what?” Her voice trailed away. It was pretty evident she’d been expecting something else.
“Daniel and I have been discussing the areas where we think you need the most training. One is getting your ass used to being penetrated—obviously a must in this household. But even more important is helping you to really understand your position here as our sub girl.
“So far, you’ve done really well, Alex. I’m not criticizing you, please don’t think so. But you have to admit, last week we caught you with your hand in your cunt several times, despite express orders to the contrary. Then, by your own admission, this weekend you did it again.”
Liam stretched his legs out, shifting to accommodate the erection poking in his underwear. He glanced at Daniel and back toward the sexy, nervous girl standing in front of him, thinking how fucking incredible his life was. Aloud he said, “Daniel came up with an excellent idea. A chastity belt is a perfect way to accomplish a number of goals at the same time. You want to explain, Daniel? Then we’ll put it on her.”
Daniel stroked one of the leather straps. “A chastity belt is good for the obvious reason of keeping your hands off our property. This particular belt has three locking points—one on either side of the waist and one at the crotch. The crotch strap is flared in both the front and the back. The leather codpiece fits over your cunt and is locked into place. Of course you won’t have the key—I will.” He lifted a gold chain from around his neck, a small key dangling at its center. Liam had the other key.
“In addition to preventing you from stealing orgasms a chastity belt reinforces your understanding of ownership in a very effective way. Obviously, you can’t touch yourself. But beyond that you won’t be able to use the toilet without my express permission and assistance. You’ll appreciate on a very basic level that your body is no longer your own.”
Alex’s eyes, always large, seemed to fill her face and her mouth had fallen open. “I have to ask you to pee?” she whispered, her voice wavering.
“Yep, among other things.” Daniel’s grin was wicked. Liam could see he was really enjoying himself. “Which brings me to this last point.” He picked up the anal plug that had come with the belt and waved it toward Alex.
“The flared leather codpiece that fits over your ass is designed to keep a butt plug firmly in place while you go about daily chores or whatever else I have planned for you. You’ll be used to it in no time and we can gradually increase the size until you’re ready to accommodate a cock even Liam’s size with ease. Any questions before we strap this on?”
Alex’s face was scarlet. She pressed her lips together and sucked in air through her nose. She parted her lips and let the air out through her mouth. Liam waited for the protests and the reasons why she couldn’t possibly tolerate the chastity belt.
“Um…I think maybe I should pee?”
Daniel glanced at Liam, who nodded, unable to hide his grin. While Alex was out of the room Daniel put the belt beside the anal plug. “We should probably wait on the butt plug until later, since you have to leave in a minute. Should I just put on the belt for now?”
“Yeah. That sounds good. I want to see how it looks,” Liam said with a wink. He moved to Daniel and took him into his arms. “I love you,” he whispered. “More than anything.” He licked Daniel’s lips in a slow, sensual glide before inserting his tongue into his lover’s mouth.
Daniel sighed and pressed his rigid cock against him. Liam kissed Daniel long and deep, folding his arousal for their new slave girl into his strong feelings for Daniel. He reveled in Daniel’s ardent response and the way he seemed to melt in his arms.
If only he didn’t have to go to work. He was tempted to cancel his appointments for the day but remembered an important probate hearing it was essential he attend. Sometimes he envied Daniel his self-imposed retirement to take care of the house and grounds.
Liam found himself wondering for the first time if maybe he too might scale back some in his law practice. He was a partner at a small but prestigious firm in the city and at thirty-four he’d already made enough money to retire and live off the income of his investments if he wanted to. Though he certainly wasn’t ready to retire, maybe he would pull back some, at least for a while. Things were too much fun at home to be out of the house five days a week.