Page 84 of Two for Alex
“Did I what?”
“Did I what, Sir,” Daniel interjected. Dutifully Alex repeated the question, flushing slightly.
“Did you ask Daniel to let you pee and empty your bowels?”
Alex’s flush darkened. “Only to…to pee, Sir.”
“Speak up, you’re mumbling.” Liam was thoroughly enjoying the gentle humiliation. He glanced at Daniel, whose cock was also rising. Unlike Liam, he had no pants and jacket to hide it.
She repeated herself, louder this time. “Well,” Liam said ponderously. “Since I intend to engage in some anal play before dinner, I suggest we go this minute to the bathroom so you can relieve yourself.”
“Oh no, I couldn’t—” Alex took a step backward.
Before Liam could respond Daniel shot forward, gripping the girl’s arm and pulling her down into a kneeling position. “Did I just hear you say no, slave? You don’t say no to us. Not ever. Understand?” He jerked her hair for emphasis.
Liam frowned. What was getting into Daniel? Yes, Alex was his toy, while Liam was away. This emerging dominant behavior even while in Liam’s presence was disconcerting and frankly, he didn’t like it.
Yet, he didn’t want to undermine Daniel’s authority in front of Alex. He would take him aside and explain the rules better. It was probably his fault. He hadn’t been clear enough from the beginning. He reminded himself it was unfair to punish a sub for breaking rules he hadn’t been informed of.
Focusing on the kneeling girl, Liam said, “Daniel is right. If you have reservations about something you’re asked to do, you can request permission to discuss it. We’ll listen to you and weigh your concerns and make our decision accordingly.”
“That’s right—” Daniel interrupted.
“Daniel,” Liam said sharply, cutting him off. More gently, he added, “I’m speaking now. Kneel beside Alex and be quiet.”
Daniel looked as if he’d been struck, dark color rising in his already ruddy cheeks. Clearly abashed, he dropped to his knees, his eyes downcast. “Yes, Sir,” he whispered, nearly breaking Liam’s heart.
Liam would talk to him privately, with love. But at this moment, it was Alex who needed to be dealt with.
“Go on,” he said to her. “Answer the question. What are your worries about using the toilet in front of your Masters? As our slave, your body and its functions, all of them, belong to us. Just because we haven’t chosen to observe you in the bathroom doesn’t mean we don’t have that right. If I want you to use newspaper on the kitchen floor and sleep in a dog bed next to the stove, that’s what you’d do. That’s the level of control and submission I demand from you. Do you understand that?”
Alex’s eyes were wide. “Yes, Sir,” she replied softly.
“That doesn’t mean I’ll necessarily choose to exercise that sort of control,” Liam continued. “However, just because you sit at the table with us and have certain freedoms, that doesn’t mean you have rights beyond those expressly given to you. By definition, you are subservient. Through your own choice, when you accepted those silver cuffs, you accepted your position as our submissive. Of course, you are free to leave at any time. But as long as you choose to stay here, you belong to us and you will obey. Do I make myself clear?”
Alex’s face had taken on a kind of radiant glow that Liam knew well. She looked up at him with shining eyes. He knew in that moment she was a true submissive. He saw and understood that his words had spoken to something deep inside her.
She wanted what he offered. She longed for it.
“Yes, Sir,” she replied. “I’m sorry, Sir. I’m not used to performing such an intimate act in front of someone. It’s, you know, icky.”
Liam suppressed his grin, keeping his expression grave as he listened.
“But I know you’re right,” she continued. “I do want to surrender myself to you.” She glanced toward Daniel. “To both of you. In whatever way pleases you, Sir.”
“Nicely said.” He touched the top of her head with a light hand. “We’ll go upstairs to our bathroom where there’s plenty of room.” He tapped her shoulder and Alex rose. He looked toward Daniel who remained kneeling, still as stone, his head bowed.
“Come on, Daniel,” Liam said gently as he touched his shoulder. “Come show me how obedient your sub girl is.”
Chapter 6
Alex stood naked save for the chastity belt. Her sex throbbed gently, still aching from Daniel’s earlier teasing and the thought of the upcoming play party. By design, she was kept constantly on the edge of desire. The slightest touch from either man could make her tremble, and this thrilled her deep in her masochistic soul.
Being ordered to move her bowels in front of two guys, even if they owned her, was another thing altogether. She did have to go, but had been waiting for the chance for some privacy. Earlier that afternoon, she’d done some weeding in the hot June sun and worked up a sweat. Daniel would want her freshly showered and groomed before Liam got home. She had planned to seize the opportunity then to use the toilet. Liam’s unexpectedly early arrival, however, screwed things up.