Page 92 of Two for Alex
The color had risen to Alex’s cheeks. On an impulse Liam cupped her crotch. Her panties were wet. “Slut.” He grinned, watching her flush deepen. “She’s wet, Daniel. Our sub girl is soaking wet at the thought of servicing our guests.”
Daniel started to respond but closed his mouth. Liam realized he was in full sub mode, and because Liam hadn’t asked a direct question, he had no cause to speak. Liam moved in front of him and cradled his restrained balls through the silk. With his other hand he stroked Daniel’s rapidly rising shaft.
“And you,” he whispered. “I want you hard all night. Show them how you burn for me.” He leaned down and kissed Daniel’s mouth. Daniel’s lips parted, his tongue moving out to meet Liam’s. He never tired of Daniel’s kiss, of his supple lips and eager tongue. He forgot about the party, about the girl standing next to them, about everything but the man he owned and loved.
A tiny sound, like a kitten’s plaintive mewling cry, distracted him. Liam pulled away from Daniel to look at Alex, not sure if he’d imagined the sound. She was standing still as a statue, her eyes straight ahead but her hands, he saw, were clenched into fists.
She wants to be kissed.
The thought slipped into his mind and as soon as it did, he knew it was true. He had kissed Alex once or twice while fucking her but it had been an afterthought. Unlike when he consciously kissed Daniel, with Alex it was more of a gut response—something to do with his mouth while his cock was inside her. He’d never kissed her with intent, with a focus on her as a lover. She wasn’t their lover, after all. She was their girl toy.
Until that moment he’d believed she was perfectly happy in that role.
Maybe he had imagined the sound. Or maybe he was reading more into it than was there. Still the seed once planted began to grow. What would it be like to kiss Alex without the distraction of sex?
He looked at her lips, plump and rosy, the lower lip pouty above her small pointy chin. Why had he never noticed how lovely her mouth was? He imagined lightly biting those lips, licking along the curve of her mouth, feeling the flicker of her tongue against his.
He moved from Daniel to stand in front of her. She was easily a foot shorter than he while Daniel was only a few inches shorter. He would lift her into his arms and taste her lips. It was his right—she belonged to him. He reached for her and leaned down to kiss her, his cock stiff with desire.
The doorbell rang, distracting Liam. “Our first guests.” He glanced at his watch. It was seven fifty-five. “Five minutes early. I bet it’s Mistress Jade. She loves to arrive unfashionably early.”
He grinned toward Daniel for confirmation and was confused by the flash of silent reproach he saw in his lover’s eyes. But when he looked again it was gone.
Chapter 8
By eight thirty the living room was filled with guests. Liam had been correct—Mistress Jade was the first to arrive, her slave Thomas by her side. Jade was imposing, nearly six feet with a large frame and huge breasts squashed into a black leather bustier. She wore a full-length leather skirt and stiletto boots with long pointed toes. Her hair was dyed a matching black and her pale blue eyes were ringed with black makeup. Her blood-red lips were like a wound. Alex found the effect more frightening than erotic.
Thomas was a full head shorter than his Mistress, with thinning sandy blond hair and a receding chin. He was wearing only a white jock strap and white tennis shoes. They were probably in their fifties and Alex noticed they wore matching wedding rings.
“On your knees,” Mistress Jade said imperiously when they were introduced. Thomas at once dropped on all fours. Mistress Jade attached a short dog leash to the black leather collar Alex now noticed around his neck and gave it a jerk, pulling him nearly over as she strode from the foyer into the living room.
“Liam, darling,” she purred, wrapping Liam in a bear hug. She stepped back and surveyed Daniel and Alex with a cocked eyebrow. “You’ve added a girl to your stable? How quaint. Is she any good?”
“She’s still being trained. She has potential.”
Mistress Jade turned toward Alex. “Kneel and lick my boot. If you’re very, very good, I’ll let you lick my cunt later.”
Instinctively Alex shrank back against Daniel, who gave her a small shove forward. “Do it,” he murmured beneath his breath.
When Alex had been told to obey every Dom at the party, she hadn’t taken women into account. She’d just assumed the Doms would be male. While she wasn’t especially thrilled at the idea of licking this woman’s boot, she was horrified at the thought of being forced to lick her cunt.