Page 96 of Two for Alex
“Why don’t we make it a little more interesting?” Anthony suggested. “I find subs perform better when they’ve got a little competition. We’ll string up two of them and see who breaks first. The first one to cry out or beg is the loser and will be punished according to their Master’s whim for the amusement of us all.”
Alex’s heart began to pound. She knew she was expected to submit to any Dom who wanted her, but she hadn’t expected a competition between subs. Shit, there was no way she could take a whipping better than that big, strong guy. She would be squirming and squealing in no time, embarrassing herself and both her Masters in the process.
Despite her trepidation, she couldn’t deny the hot, sweet heat throbbing between her legs at the thought of being flogged with that beautiful instrument. Why was she so sure Phillip would do better than she? Liam and Daniel had been working hard with her these past two weeks.
Though not yet as accomplished as Daniel, she was learning how to move into the pain instead of trying to avoid it. She was developing the ability to embrace it, to become it, to transcend it. This was her chance to show Liam and Daniel she could take a whipping with grace, even with the added stress of performing for and in front of strangers.
Maybe it was the novelty of all these people around her, maybe it was the sex-drenched atmosphere of the play party now in full swing. Probably it was all of these things and more, but despite her trepidation she found herself ready, even eager to begin the scene.
As they cuffed Phillip into position, Alex kept her eyes submissively downcast. She felt Liam’s warm, comforting hand on the top of her head. “Which of my subs would you like to flog, Anthony?”
A spurt of adrenaline shot through her and her muscles tensed as she girded herself to rise.
“I choose Daniel,” Anthony said.
Chapter 9
Daniel and Phillip were cuffed facing each other, so close they were nearly touching. Daniel’s silk pants had been pulled down and the strap unwound from his cock and balls. Phillip had been stripped as well, though the tattoos covering his back and chest made it appear as if he wore a shirt. A small crowd of appreciative men and women were eyeing them both with hungry glances.
A tall, voluptuous woman in a flowing black satin evening gown approached and pushed through the group. Ignoring the naked bound men, she pointed a long red-lacquered fingernail toward the still-kneeling Alex.
“Liam, I’ve been told this beautiful slave belongs to you.”
To us, Daniel thought, though he said nothing. Marianne Scott was a professional Dominatrix who ran a BDSM dungeon in the city. She was known for being especially brutal with the men who paid very good money for the service. In private, however, she favored girls.
Liam replied, “That’s right. To Daniel and me. This is her first party.”
“Stand up, girl,” Marianne ordered. Alex obeyed, casting a beseeching look at Liam, who gave her a slight nod. Marianne gripped one of Alex’s pert nipples through the silk of her camisole and twisted it until Alex winced.
“Sensitive thing, isn’t she? How does she handle a bare-handed spanking? Do you spank her at all?”
“Of course. Alex is still training but she can take quite a bit.”
“Can I have her? Just for a while?”
“You are our guest. Our property is at your disposal within the limits of safe, sane and consensual. Alex knows she is to obey every Dom at this party as if they were Daniel or me.”
“Yummy.” Marianne rubbed her hands together with undisguised glee. She looked around the playroom, tossing her thick mane of long, wavy red hair. “I want a nice quiet place to handle this lovely specimen. It’s too crowded in here. All right if I take her to one of the bedrooms?”
Alex cast a frightened look Daniel’s way. Tethered and in his role as a submissive, Daniel couldn’t very well intercede. Liam was standing close enough for him to say quietly, “Sir. She needs you.”
Liam stroked Daniel’s bare chest. He spoke in an undertone. “I want to stay with you but I think you’re right. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights. Will you be okay here? Matthew seems to have things pretty well under control.”
“Yes, Sir.” Being cuffed and stripped had thrown Daniel pretty quickly into a submissive state of mind. He would have liked to have Liam with him but even more so he wanted Alex’s party experience to be a positive one. While he knew Marianne wouldn’t harm her, Alex would feel more comfortable with Liam on the scene. He himself was used to handling himself without Liam and enjoyed a good flogging.
Liam kissed Daniel’s cheek and turned to Matthew. “Take care of my sub.” He nodded toward Anthony, who bowed like some kind of courtier. Marianne was already leading Alex from the room. Liam cast one last lingering look on Daniel, who nodded and mouthed, “Go,” and he was gone.