Page 20 of All Bets are Off
That makes me feel better. Of course Logan is feeling as off kilter as I am. He may be bisexual, but he’s never acted on it.
I don’t think.
Leaning in, Logan presses a kiss to my lips. “Why are you frowning?”
“Have you ever done anything like this before? With a man?” I ask, tensing as I wait for the answer. I don’t like the thought of him being with another guy at all.
“Of course not.” Logan’s eyes meet mine, and for a moment I’m lost in their depths. “I have exactly zero experience with men. You think I fooled around like that while on active duty?”
No, of course he wouldn’t take that risk.
“I’m your first then,” I say, chest swelling.
Logan smacks my cheek, hard. “Yeah, wise-ass. You’re my firstguy.”
“But you’ve known you’re attracted to men for a while,” I prompt, grabbing his hand so he can’t smack me again.
Rolling onto his back, Logan pulls from my grip and laces his fingers behind his head. “I’ve known it most of my life.”
“Until that night we had the foursome, I’d never thought of any man that way,” I say.
Logan shoots me a questioning look, and I try to explain what I’m not even clear about myself, ignoring the niggle at the back of brain that tells me that might not be the whole truth. “You looked…so sexy that night. It threw me, the things that were going on in my head.”
That admission brings a soft smile to Logan’s lips, and he says, “The first time we met, I thought you were hot, but I pushed any attraction I felt for you out of my mind because I was sure you were straight. I never thought you could be attracted to me, so I friend-zoned you. And that’s where you stayed.”
I sigh. “The night of the foursome, I told myself the attraction I suddenly felt to you was a fluke. That it had something to do with the thrill of what was happening. That’s why I had to make that second bet with you. Because I had to know.” I swallow and forge ahead before I lose my nerve. “And when I found out I enjoyed kissing and touching you, I couldn’t face it. I just never saw myself as gay.”
“Bi,” Logan corrects.
He shrugs. “Yeah. I guess. I haven’t found any other man attractive.”
Logan shrugs. “You don’t have to put a label on it.”
“As for what I want…I wantthis. What we’re doing.” I indicate the rumpled bed and our state of half-dress. “If that’s whatyouwant.”
“So, friends with benefits,” Logan says slowly, looking away.
“Hell, no, not that. Just…I don’t know. Do we have to define it right now?”
“No, of course not. I just wanted to see where your head is at, that’s all,” Logan says.
“Where’s your head?” I ask.
He sighs. “I want what you want, West. No more and no less.”
I’m about to protest that his wants and needs are equally as important as mine when he leans in and kisses me, tugging at my bottom lip with his teeth.
“You keep doing that, and there’s gonna be a round two,” I warn against his mouth.
Running his hand over my shoulder and down my chest, Logan pushes my shirt aside, and a shiver runs up my spine when he rolls my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
“Know what I’ve been thinking about a lot?” he asks, voice low and sultry.
“What?” I ask breathlessly.
“Sucking your cock.”