Page 19 of My Forbidden Crush
“I’m gonna go really slow, Beth,” Bowdie assures me, aware more than ever of the extreme size difference between our bodies, let alone the train-to-tunnel ratio.
“Because soon you’re gonna have a baby,” Bowdie continues, matter-of-factly, making my eyes grow wider, the fabric of my top scratching at my stiff nipples as he peels it off. I feel his tip slowly circling my clit and making me buck, instantly craving it. I’m eager for more already, and he isn’t anywhere near inside me.
Wait, what? Did he just say, baby?
“You need to take all of me so I can put a baby in you. We need to work on making sure all those babies can come out of such a sweet, little hole,” he says in a deep voice as if he’s rehearsed the lines, or maybe he likes to talk dirty.
I mean, about to fill someone’s taco for the first time, and you wanna go talking aboutbabies?
But a little Bowdie… or a little Beth…
My dad’s voice almost barges in on my innermost thoughts, wailing about “protection,” safe sex, and something or other, but with Bowdie so close like this, knowing this is it? It would be like him giving me two gifts instead of one—claiming me as his own and planting a seed I know he’ll tend to for as long as we live. The thought of a dominant gene pool as solid as Bowdie’s makes me like the idea more by the second if it means we get to do this more often, and by often, I mean every damn chance we get if I have my way.
My hands grip Bowdie’s wrists. The tension in his arms and whole body is like a giant steel spring. His hands run up my top and back down over my belly to my waist. I grip them here, wanting him to hold me hard in case I leap off the couch or slide out from under him.
Leather is a good choice of covering, though, when he makes me this wet. I wonder if they do bedsheets in leather…
My breathing’s so fast, and my pulse thunders in my ears. It almost sounds like Bowdie’s underwater when he grunts and groans, stretching me wide enough to fit the swollen head of his manhood, which feels like about a mile so far.
I whimper his name, shifting my gripping claws of hands to his shoulders and back, running over the smooth muscle as he inches into me further. “Beth!” he says suddenly, a cautioning look in his eyes as his jaw clenches tight.
The flexing pressure inside me is almost too much to bear, and I cry out one last time as a girl. Feeling myself yield to him, I moan loudly for the first time as a woman.
She’s mine. It’s been less than twenty-four hours since I stepped off the plane, and now Beth’s mine. For all the drama, the waiting, and the running around, getting to where we are, I still say it’s destiny. We’remeantto be together and like this…always.
I haven’t been with a woman since before Beth was born, so it feels like the first time for me, too, and it’s one I know I’ll remember for the rest of my life. I’m etching every sound, flash in her eyes, and sensation of my body pressed hard over hers into my memory banks.
My mouth was running about babies, no less, but Beth wasn’t faking when she said she’d take everything I had for her. I plan on making sure of it—babies, a ring, a white picket fence, the whole package…Bigg family style.
Before any of that, we have this. We have now. We have each other. The feeling of her butted up against me like a missing jigsaw piece makes me whole again. It’s the feeling of gripping her childbearing hips and being inside her for the first time, knowing how perfect she really is. That and how goddamned tight she is, as well as how fucking cute she looks. It’s only fair to say I have to work twice as hard not to finish before I even start, if you catch my meaning.
It’s a passing second, the last moment of urgency between us, because now everything’s as it should be. It takes a little time and some extra control, but once Beth finds her rhythm, it isn’t long before she’s grinding and bucking and matching every one of my grunting thrusts and humming growls with her own wild dance underneath me.
The bliss on her features mixes with a fierce look of determination to make me happy, I know, but also to get the most out of her new toy for the first time. Long before she comes for the first time with me inside her, I can already see that it won’t be her last time today either. I’ll make sure of that, and this new toy of hers? It’s not the kind that needs batteries or even wears out. The insane itch I’ve been trying to scratch myself for six months is finally getting the relief it needs.
Having torn the remaining clothes off us, Beth and I are a slippery set of sweat-sheened body parts when I feel her getting close. My seed rises in me as if it just knows. The same force that’s brought us together, that’s made all this possible, is running on smooth tracks.
“Bowdie!” Beth gasps, tensing up and gripping me like nothing else, her not-overly-sharp nails digging so deep I growl with pleasurable pain. I grin, hoping it’s deep enough to leave a scar, hoping it does before I join her. The pair of us climax together so strongly and for so long, my release so big. It would be a wonder if she didn’t get pregnant our first time.
Her quivering body jerks and spasms with her orgasmic internal convulsions, rippling from her to me and back again. It’s a feeling I never want to end. In a way, it doesn’t. It just kinda turns the volume down after a time, Beth shivering and gasping with little aftershocks. I stroke her hair back, kissing her everywhere and anywhere my lips land.
“Oh, Beth… I-I…”
“Jesus, Bowdie! I—” Beth calls out sharply, silencing us both as she comes a second time, drawing another intense orgasm from me in as many moments, neither of us getting to finish what we were gonna say but sharing the thought long after it subsides. The words hang in the air in the fractional space between us.
There’s no real need to say it out loud. Maybe she thinks it’s too soon, or maybe I’d think it’s immature, but I haven’t waited six months to claim her and then just grunt and lie on top of her, snoring.
“I-I love you, Beth,” I tell her gently, cupping her face in my palm and thumbing the single silver tear, pressing it to my lips before kissing her with it.
“I loveyou, Bowdie,” she says after sniffing back a wave of emotion, finally laughing, wanting to comment on how stupid she must look or sound, but I won’t have any of that.
“There’s nothing about you that isn’tperfect, Beth. Don’t let me catch you thinking otherwise, understand?” I caution her, meaning every word.