Page 26 of My Forbidden Crush
“They’re just perfect,” I coo, taking one and then another into my arms, Bowdie’s hands like giants compared to the tiny new lives.
“You’re perfect,” Bowdie reminds me, pecking my cheek and whispering he loves me. He tells me he’s glad everything went safely, too.
He’s smitten with the twins as much as I am. Another love at first sight we can share and cherish forever now. An actual family of my own… I can’t believe it still. It’s so surreal.
Little not-so-old Beth Parker, mother of two and married to the famous (in some circles) Dr. Bigg.
“I guess it’s just us four then,” I observe long after we’ve all been checked over and given the all clear, Momma and babies resting and hubby keeping watch over his brood.
Bowdie grunts and looks out the window, but the timid knock at my hospital room door has us both looking up.
“Can we come in?” Lucy asks timidly, her eyes shining with tears before I half croak, half squeal for her to get her ass over to me and check out these babies.
My dad strolls in, trying to avoid eye contact with Bowdie, but with these babies so fresh out of the oven, all six of us are fussing and gushing over the little ones. Everything that made Lucy and Dad so mad at us vanishes like magic. The twins are like a magic spell that changes everything back to the way it was before, but better.
Now we’re a bigger family by two more with Lucy and my dad. I can tell already that Bowdie’s planning some brothers and sisters for these two. That’s something I know I could get used to if they make me feel as special as I do today.
Mom, wife, and now best friend, and daughter all over again.
“I’ll get it!” I call out to Beth, moving toward the door, walking like a jagged robot with one kid clutching each of my limbs. They all giggle like maniacs because the doorbell rang while they’re using me as a tree house in the living room.
Beth’s just changing into something without a milk stain because her dad’s coming over with Lucy. It’s Brad’s birthday, so we figured we’d have them here, and it could be just like old times—some ribs, a few beers for Brad, and then maybe even some board games if Beth can stay up that late. Neither of us gets much sleep these days, so anything after eight o’clock is considered “late” and maybe even risky.
Mind you, it’s not exactly babies keeping Beth up all night. It’s usually me busy trying to put another one in her, considering it’s our only real alone time once the kids are asleep. Fortunately for Beth and me, they are deep sleepers,
The bell rings again, and in my best tree house giant’s voice, I boom, “I’m coming! I’m coming!” The kids shriek with laughter and excitement because they know who’s here. It’s Aunt Lucy and Grandpa Brad who spoil these kids rotten every time they visit.
Beth’s shriek from behind me as I open the door grabs Lucy’s attention straight away, and the two of them are off like a couple of teenagers, leaving Brad and me to carry everything in. I mind the kids who cling to me like koalas, still young enough to be fascinated by everyday goings on but big and strong enough to hang on and interfere at a moment’s notice. They eventually tire of us menfolk once Beth and Lucy’s shrieks and laughs reach the kitchen. The kids scuttle off toward their mommy and Aunt Lucy.
I study my oldest friend, Brad, noticing how he looks around at our place and things. Not in a bad way, though. The place sure could use tidying up, but as soon as it’s clean, it’s only a few minutes away from being back to chaos again.
“You all right?” I ask Brad, meaning, is he really all right? Does he need anything?
He smiles and assures me he’s fine and that Lucy is, too, but I know Brad’s practice is fading. Since Beth moved out, he focused on the work, but there isn’t a high demand for his field in town. Brad declined my invitation to be on the board at the foundation. Proud and pig-headed, I’d call it. It would help pay his bills, but he wants to do things his way, and I can respect that.
“As long as you know we’re here if you do need anything,” I remind him, watching him tolerate my genuine offer. It’s an offer I hope he’ll accept one day instead of scraping by because he’s too headstrong to accept help.
“I was just thinking what a great job you’re doing here, Bo,” he says, flipping the top off a beer and lifting one from the cooler for me. I let him pop it, clink the glass, and set it down as soon as a two-foot-high blur of curls and laughter scuffs across my feet.
I scoop Nicholas up, cradling him and smothering him with noisy kisses before he shrieks and howls with laughter. Setting him down, he’s off again, tearing after his sister or brother. They all fill the house with so much life that it’s hard to feel tired or down.
“You and Beth should be proud,” Brad observes.
I grunt in agreement. “I am!” I let him know. “I’m proud of Beth for every second she gives the kids and me,” I tell him, noticing her moving into the kitchen just far enough to hear me talking her up. She pokes her tongue out at me before I mouth to her that I love her.
Her hand over her heart lets me know she’s just as proud of me as I am of her. The kinda cutesy romance stuff that I thought lasted a few days with most couples has lasted us years so far, and it isn’t showing any signs of letting up. I’m madly in love with my wife as much as the day I first came back from London, seeing her all grown up and just needing to be taken care of.
“I guess I’ll get these ribs in the oven,” Brad smiles.
“And I’ll get the board games out!” Lucy calls out, making me smile with a slight grimace.
“It’s okay, Bowdie,” Brad quips. “We don’t have any games with twenty questions or anything to do with secrets or romance,” he assures me.