Page 22 of Release Me
Alex drops a kiss on the top of my head before calling out, “You should ask him out, Zo. It’s a missed opportunity.”
“He’s right, you know,” Delaney adds, smirking at me. “Now tell me, how was dinner?”
An hour later, I’m sitting at my desk, the conversation with Delaney playing out in my head. She has me convinced that my dinner with Ethan was a date and that when she sees us together, she can tell there’s more there than just a work relationship.
I want to believe her, but holy shit that would be embarrassing if I misread the whole damn thing. I’d never be able to look Ethan in the face again. And forget working here or having him mentor me. I’d have to leave the fucking country just out of sheer embarrassment.
I’m staring out the window of my office watching the skiers float by, the sound of laughter and chatting filling the air, reminding me that I could never leave here. Badger Creek is my home and I would never want to do anything to fuck that up, even if it means never acting on my feelings for Ethan.
A knock comes on my door, jarring me from my thoughts and pulling me away from the view.
“Come in,” I call, and the door opens, finding one of the front desk clerks standing on the other side.
“Mr. Morrison’s friends are here to check in. You had said to come get you when they arrived,” Sabrina says, smiling at me.
She wasn’t one of the girls who was gossiping about me, but I’m sure she’s gotten an earful from Lisa and Casey, the ones who were. This place loves a rumor, especially when it comes to people hooking up.
Not that I’m hooking up with Ethan.
“Thanks, I’ll be right out,” I reply, swallowing hard as I attempt to clear my head of Ethan. It’s going to take more than a hard swallow. I need a flask of whiskey and a night alone with my vibrator.
I run my hands under my eyes, moving to fluff my hair in the hopes that I don’t look like I was thinking about their friend in ways that no one should know about when I greet them at the front desk.
“Hello, you must be Tracy and Brandon,” I say, extending a hand out. Of course they’re both gorgeous, looking the part of the wealthy couple on a ski holiday all dressed in winter gear, ready for the snow and cold of the Badger Creek mountains.
“And you must be Zoey,” Brandon says, shaking my hand. “Ethan told us you’d be showing us around,” he adds, and I swear I hear a faint scoff behind me, but I let it go. Not wanting to create a scene in front of Ethan’s friends.
“I am and I have heard wonderful things about the two of you too,” I reply, walking behind the desk to get them checked in. “Everything is comped, courtesy of Mr. Morrison, but I’m sure you know that already. I’ll just get you checked in and then I can show you to your room.”
“How about we keep this between us, and you let me pay for the room,” Brandon says, winking at me as he slides his credit card across the counter.
I let out a soft chuckle, shaking my head. “I’ve been given strict orders to not take anything from you. I know Mr. Morrison would be upset if I did.”
“So do you all call him Mr. Morrison?” Brandon now asks, putting his card away, and Tracy gives him a swat on the arm.
“Will you leave her alone? She’s at work, so yes, she calls Ethan, Mr. Morrison. He’s her boss.” Tracy shakes her head, giving an eye roll as if to say she’s on my side.
“Fine, fine. Where is the big guy anyway? I figured he’d at least be here to greet us and carry our bags to our room,” Brandon jokes.
“He’s on a call, but he should be free in an hour or so. He asked me to show you around until then. I hope that’s okay,” I tell them, and they both nod in response.
I motion for the bellhop to come take their bags, giving him their room number, he immediately gets to work loading them onto the cart. I made sure that everyone working at the front knew they were coming today.
“Thanks again, Zoey for the ski gear. It was really a nice gesture and we owe you for your kindness. You didn’t need to do that,” Tracy now says as we enter the elevator.
“Of course, it was no problem. Any friend of Ethan’s is a friend of mine.”
“So you don’t call him Mr. Morrison,” Brandon spits out, laughing.
“I don’t, but when I’m at the front desk I do,” I admit. “I try to keep things professional there. I want the staff to know that he is still their boss. And mine too,” I quickly add.
“He says you’re a great employee,” Tracy admits, and there’s that damn flush creeping up my cheeks again. “He’s told us how business savvy you are and how you’ve helped him field business proposals. Sounds like it’s been a great partnership.”
I’m not sure how to respond. I never looked at what we’re doing together as a partnership, but I guess it is.
“Thanks,” I quickly say, saved by the chime of the elevator, the doors opening to the private penthouse suite. “This is your room,” I now say, motioning to the door at the end of the hallway. “You’ll need to use your key to access the floor from the elevator. You’re the only ones on this floor.”
“Of course Ethan went big,” Tracy mutters, shaking her head. “We told him we’d be happy with just a standard room, but he wouldn’t hear of it.”