Page 19 of Release Me Not
“You sure you’re okay with that?” Ethan whispers in my ear, his arm around my shoulders as we leave the hospital.
“Okay with what?” I ask, confused by his comment. “Okay with you staying at my parents’ house? Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know. I just met your parents and this…” Ethan says, his voice taking on a nervous quality, and I find it really cute. He’s scared to stay at my parents’ house with this all being new, but to me, this isn’t new.
The entire time I was being held in that motel room, all I was thinking about was Ethan and getting back to him and having him hold me in his arms. He has no idea that despite the kidnapping happening in his driveway, he still makes me feel the safest I’ve ever felt in my life. I want him with me, always. I can’t even begin to think about sleeping without him tonight, and I really don’t care if my parents tell me he can’t share my bed. Like they don’t know that Ethan and I have been sleeping together at his house since all this happened.
“I’m pretty sure my parents aren’t going to tell me no tonight, and anyway, Ethan, I’m twenty-two years old. I live in my own condo and I’m sure they know I’ve had boys in my bed before.” It all comes out in a rush. Everything feels like it needs to be rushed, but I don’t know why.
Maybe it’s the adrenaline I’ve been running on since the kidnapping and my escape. It feels like I’m permanently stuck in this fight or flight mode.
The doctor at the hospital did tell me that there was a possibility I wouldn’t feel the effects of the kidnapping until my body finally settled down.
When I was discharged, I was given the number for a therapist, some Xanax and also told to follow up with my primary care physician, telling me that meds can go a long way in helping with anxiety and PTSD. So far, all I want to do is go home and go to bed.
Ethan laughs a little at my comment about my parents giving in to whatever I want, but responds with, “I’m pretty sure I’m in the same camp as your parents. If you told me to go get you Ono right now, I’d be on a plane to Hawaii.”
Now it’s me letting out a laugh at him remembering a conversation we had when we first started seeing each other. I requested the fish, and he had no idea what it was. It’s cute that he still remembers.
My dad tells me to wait at the exit to the hospital while he pulls the car around, and while I’m not super keen on having everyone doting on me, I do as he says.
Leaning into Ethan, he wraps both arms around me now, holding me close. My body feels heavy, every movement feels like I’m moving through wet cement, begging me to find a place to relax. It’s all I want and this thirty-minute drive back to Tahoe is longer than I wish, but at least I’m going home. Staying another night in the hospital was not what I wanted.
The SUV pulls up to the curb and we all climb in, Max still with that sour look on his face and I can tell he blames Ethan for this. Why? I have no idea.
This guy who took me could have been after our parents’ money, leaving this to have nothing to do with Ethan. Or it could have been someone who is angry about my involvement with the Badger Creek expansion. There are endless reasons for why this happened, but I’m more concerned with who this guy is, and not why he did it.
I want him caught.
“I’m going back to your house too,” Max says to our parents from the third row, not wanting to sit next to Ethan, three across. He’s being such a child right now and I’d love to call him out but arguing in front of Ethan and our parents is not something I’m up for.
“Max, you can go back to your place,” I say. “Or you could even go to my place and tell Delaney and Alex that I’m okay.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” he barks out, his tone harsh and our mom lets out a soft reprimand, noticing Max’s intensity too.
I rest my head on Ethan’s shoulder, too tired to argue anymore and the next thing I know, he’s waking me up, the SUV parked in my parents’ driveway.
“Zoey, we’re back,” he whispers, his fingers tracing a soft path down my cheek. He kisses the top of my head and I let out a yawn, even though it’s not that late. All I want to do is go to bed and sleep for the next week.
But I also know I need to get back to normal. Getting back to work will help me move on from this. I miss being in my office and meeting with my staff. It’s only been two days, but that’s how I spend most of my days. I also can’t wait to get back to helping Ethan with the expansion.
I climb out of the SUV with Ethan following behind me, letting out a low whistle and I turn to look at him.
“What was that for?” I ask, looking over my shoulder as my parents and Max head into the house. Ethan shakes his head, his eyes a little wide. “Big house. I mean, I saw it earlier, but I guess my mind was pretty wrapped up in everything else to really notice.”
“Oh my god, Ethan. Like your house isn’t big too. What did you expect?” I ask, teasingly.
“I didn’t expect it would be on its own peninsula out here on the lake,” he says motioning around. “It’s stunning. You sure you want to move in with me? Maybe we could just live here.”
“I’m not living here!” I shriek, letting out a laugh. “I lived here my whole life and I’m ready to start the rest of my life with you.”
I say it, not realizing how it sounds. It makes it sound like I want to marry him, and while I’ve thought about it a lot since my kidnapping, I don’t have any idea if Ethan is ready for something that intense.
“I can’t wait to start the rest of my life with you either, Zoey,” Ethan replies, his words quiet, but they hold so much truth and support.
Max is sitting at the kitchen table, my parents moving around the kitchen, when we come in and join them.
“I just want to apologize to everyone for keeping my relationship with Ethan a secret. It really sucks that you found out this way. I wanted to do it right. I wanted to have him over for dinner and let you meet him and…” I stop short of continuing, the tears now suddenly pooling in my eyes.