Page 8 of Release Me Not
“I do, I absolutely do,” I say quickly.
“I know,” she repeats, smiling as she nods her head. “I can see how much you love her and looking back at the change in her I can see now that the reason for that change is you.”
I blink hard at her words, at the smile on her face as she looks up at me, my hand still in both of hers. I have no fucking idea what to say to any of this, my brain scrambling with trying to understand, even as from the corner of my eye, I see Jeff step closer so he’s standing beside his wife.
“We’re going to get her back, Ethan,” he now says, offering me a tight smile. “We have to trust the police to do their job and bring her back to us.”
I nod, my hands shaking a little, even as Pam tightens her grip. “I have to get her back,” I whisper. “I have to.”
“Okay, Mr. Morrison, if you’re ready?” the detective says as he steps into the living room. I turn to him, pulling my hand from Pam’s as he continues. “We haven’t found anything to go on around here. The uniforms are going to walk a route to your place, do you know which path she’d normally take?”
I nod. “Yeah, she cuts through the lodge and ski tracks, along the tree line, doesn’t go around the lodge. It’s basically the shortest straight shot to my place.”
“Okay, we’ll get them to walk that while you and I drive over to your place. I’ll come with you if that’s okay?”
I get the feeling I don’t have a choice about this, but I don’t care, needing to do whatever it takes to help these people find her. “Yeah, of course,” I say.
“Is there anything we can do?” Jeff now asks.
The detective shakes his head. “For now, I’ll ask you to go back home. It’s a long shot, but just in case, it would be best if someone was there.”
“Of course,” Jeff says, nodding.
“I’ll keep you up to date with all developments,” the detective continues, glancing at me and then Max. “All of you.”
“What can we do?” Alex asks, stepping over to Max as he puts a hand on his friend’s shoulder and squeezes. “Is there anything we can do to help?”
The detective smiles. “Same deal. Stay here and let me know if anything comes up. Anything at all, okay?” he says, now handing out his card to everyone.
I look over at Max to find him standing beside Alex, but looking at me, an unreadable expression on his face. I’m sure the guy hates me at this point, probably blames me for everything that’s happened too. And as much as I want to fix this, because I don’t want there to be any bad blood between Zoey’s brother and me, now is not the time.
At the moment all I can think about is getting Zoey back. Nothing else matters.
“Ready?” the detective says, looking at me.
I give a curt tip of my head, grabbing my keys from my pocket. “Let’s go.”
This asshole does not get to win. He has no idea who he’s messing with because I will not be degraded like this. Just because I grew up with money doesn’t mean I’ve lived a life of privilege and relaxation. I grew up with an older brother who loved to try out wrestling moves on me. I learned to defend myself by age nine and this situation is no different. I spent countless hours on the slopes, tons of hours in the gym and more nights than I can count learning that my last name will not define me.
Obviously, I never hurt Max, well, except that one time when I broke his wrist when he tried to put me in a figure four leg lock, but he deserved it. And today, things are about to get fucking real.
I have no problem hurting this guy and I will not give him the satisfaction of seeing me piss on this floor. That’s exactly what he wants. He wants me weak and desperate and sniffling like a baby. Well, fuck him because that’s not happening.
I take in a deep breath, looking at where the handcuffs are attached to the pipes below the sink. This place has been abandoned for years; I can tell by looking around the room. These pipes won’t hold me if I put any sort of pressure on them. This idiot doesn’t even realize this. He’s clearly a newbie, someone who doesn’t do this often. Or he’s just stupid. He has to be the latter for trying to kidnap someone in this day and age. The amount of cameras and cell phone data and technology in general is off the charts. This guy won’t do this again if I have anything to say about it.
I listen, making sure I can’t hear the running car outside, that I can’t hear the click of the lock. I don’t need this guy walking in during my attempt to escape. He’s so fucking tough when he has me cuffed or by the hair, not giving me the opportunity to take him down.
I give it a few seconds longer, and when the silence continues to fill the dark room, I begin. Rearing back, I thrust my heel right at the pipe, feeling it shift slightly under the pressure of my foot. I hit it again, striking it harder this time and now hearing the metal scrape against itself. I can only hope it’s corroded enough to give way quickly.
I continue to kick at it, feeling it loosen with each thrust of my foot. I’m so fucking angry right now that I feel like I could put my foot right through the damn pipe.
I fall back against the linoleum floor, my heart racing, my breathing heavy, and I hold my breath, once again, listening.
I haven’t been able to figure out this guy’s schedule because I haven’t been here long enough. He came back once after he left me here, but I have no clue what time of day it is. The room is dark, the only light is coming from this small emergency light that flickers dimly. I’m shocked that it’s even still working given the state of the room I’m in.