Page 21 of The Sweetest Note
Roark shakes his head smugly. “You’re going to tour with Mav, Atlas, Leo and Albert. Your voice is amazing, and it’ll get the spotlight off of Lennon so she has a career to come back to if she wants it.” Roark crosses his arms over his chest as he thinks, and unintentionally I drink in how delicious he is. Fucking inappropriate as hell, but my cock still twitches in excitement.
“You should do this,” Turner encourages. “Who would manage her?” he asks as if this is a done deal.
I glance at Mav and Atlas and they don’t look upset. They’re intrigued, and are watching Layla the way I do Lennon or Turner or Roark.Well that’s interesting.
“I could? I don’t know how much help I can be to find Lennon,” Jordan says. “I can do anything you would need remotely either way.”
Greg nods. “Yeah, let’s change the narrative here. Grant Williams wants the focus to be on Lennon, but if we give the public something else to focus on, this will die down. He’ll be fucking pissed, but tough luck, motherfucker.”
My lips thin as I think about this.Yeah, Dad’s gonna be pissed, and I’ll probably be the way he takes out his anger.I won’t tell them that though, not because I want to be a hero, but because this moment isn’t about me. It’s about Layla finding a purpose to help her sister.
“It’s strategic and smart,” I reassure her. “My dad’s head will pop off and spin around, and it’ll be one hell of a fuck you to him. So I vote yes. You should do this.”
Layla blows out a breath, yanking on a piece of hair by her face. “You can’t let her be mad at me when she gets back,” she begs. “She was already so angry when she found out our dad abandoned her.” Her voice breaks as she says this and I look at her sympathetically.
Standing, I plop down next to her and throw my arm around her. “Lennon was overwhelmed when she talked to Jordan and I. Carrie drugged her gummy bears so she was high as a kite, emotions were running high, and I’m sure she’ll be ready to have a very different conversation with you when she’s back, okay?”
I squeeze her to me as she swallows back a sob and buries her face in my chest. “You and Len are tight, even as guarded as she is about her life. Carrie O’Reilly has left a trail of carnage in her path, and continues to do so. The fucking cunt needs to stay dead.”
Layla doesn’t bat an eye as she nods. “She’s awful. Who does this to her own daughter?”
I scowl as I look down at her. “She thinks Len owes her something, and she came to collect. Now it’s time to show Carrie that she can’t always have what she wants.”
Greg stands and grabs his bag. “Hear! Hear! I’m going to go shopping for things we need. I’ll go to Ohio and set up a base to work out of, since it’s about an hour away from Farrelsville, and go from there. Any major issues with this plan?”
Roark groans. “Sending Derek back to deal with his douchebag father, but it looks like the best one.”
Squeezing Layla to me again in a hug, I stand up to order myself a rideshare to get back to the stadium.
“Derek, here’s the keys to the bus to grab your things so you don’t have to track someone down,” Jordan says, tossing me the keys.
I catch them with a nod, starting to head out. “Hey, I’ll go with you,” Roark says, standing up.
Glancing over my shoulder, I smirk as Turner tosses the towel he was holding on his hand and follows. I didn’t need company, but I’m glad for it at the moment.
I’m infuriated by how out of control I feel. Greg was right when he said that I don’t completely trust him to help us get Lennon out of Hidden Hills. Grant Williams could be lying to us all and we’ll just be chasing our tails while my Lavender suffers. I go to run my hand through my hair but Roark grabs my wrist.
“Don’t. Your hand still has some blood on it and you’re gonna track it through your hair,” he tells me sharply.
He hates when I hurt myself and I sigh heavily. I lean into his side to show how much I appreciate him. I’m off balance, and that’s part of why I said we’d tag along with Derek. I don’t want him to leave our sight until absolutely necessary.
I watch him sitting in front of me in the front seat of the rideshare where he’s slouched against the door. He has a little line marring the skin where his nose and forehead meet, and I want to reach over to smooth it. Knowing he won’t appreciate it, I let it be for now.
We show our credentials to the gate guard and the guard bites his lip nervously.
“Did you find your girl?” he asks. “I saw the police here, but honestly haven’t seen the news or anything.” It’s nice that he asked about her instead of looking for gossip, and I commit his name to memory.
Roark gives him a tight smile. “We’re working on helping her,” is all he says and Eric nods. If he sees the news, he’ll simply think Roark meant mental health support.
But Lavender isn’t crazy. She struggles with her emotions as much as the next person, but unlike others she has a musical outlet for them. Lennon also has us.Fuck, I just want her back so much.
Holding in a growl, I glare at the stadium. We had such a great set last night, before everything went to shit. The smart move really is for Layla to take her sister’s place. I also know Lennon wanted Layla to be able to live a little, and this is how she’ll get her wish. Mav and Atlas will be more than happy to help her let loose safely, too.
I’m not worried about Layla’s heart in the slightest because Mav and Atlas are good men. They also know Sally and I make house calls.