Page 26 of The Sweetest Note
“Yeah, we got everything situated. We also, uh, came up with a bit of an idea?” I rub my face tiredly, worried about what he’ll think.
Jordan frowns, leaning forward. “Derek, when’s the last time you slept?”
I roll my eyes, already tired of everyone asking this. Stifling a yawn, I wave in front of my face as if to make it go away. “I slept maybe half an hour on Barclay’s truck on the way over here. I’ll catch some sleep on the plane on the way home tonight,” I lie. I can’t sleep on planes, but I have this driving need to get back to Kentucky so I can start looking for Len and find my mother. I’ll sleep when I’m six feet under, whenever that may be.
Roark smacks me over the back of the head and I wince. “Fuck that hurt,” I complain. “Would you like to add concussion to my list of grievances that I have with my body?”
“Alright children,” Jordan says with snort and I can’t help smirking. “If you’re gonna be an ass and insist on heading back today, I may as well book your plane ticket and rental car while you tell me about this brilliant idea that you had.”
I nod, walking over to a chair and folding myself into it. I’m careful about how I sit because if I let myself relax too much, I’ll pass out.
“I don’t know how much the media is speculating yet about Len because I’ve been staying away from social media,” I begin. Jordan grimaces and that’s all the answer I need. It’s already bad. “Motherfucking assholes,” I growl. “This is why you need something to distract them, which is where our plan comes in.
What if Roark and Turner take the manual ofWhat Not to do If You’re A Rockstarand throw it out? They’ll party, get into fights, and behave badly so all eyes are on them. The media will make up shit either way, so what’s the harm?”
Jordan crosses his arms as he stares at Roark, Turner, and I. “What will Lennon think when we get her back and there are photos plastered all over of you fucking around while she’s God knows where?”
“Lennon has been portrayed as a whore, a drug addict, and a tease over the years by certain media outlets. We all know that our girl is none of those things. It’s playing into what they expect from us and drawing eyes off Lenny,” Roark insists.
“The only thing I’m concerned about is that this will cause you extra work to manage,” I admit.
Jordan raises an eyebrow. “Pfft. I can manage you all with my eyes closed,” he laughs. “I just want to make sure this doesn’t hurt my niece. She’ll have enough to deal with when she’s finally back.”
I shake my head. “It’ll be bad behavior that’s just bad enough to make people watch them. No one will think they’re cheating on her. They’re devoted to her and each other, though I’m sure girls will try to go home with them,” I say wryly.
Turner rolls his eyes. “I have my asshole vibes down pat. And if worse comes to worst, Roark has no problems staking his claim.”
Ror chuckles darkly and it makes my balls ache and my dick hard. Dammit.
“Soo?” I ask Jordan, waiting.
“Fuck, okay, yeah let’s do it. The media is trying to tear her apart. Start in a big city and then make your way to somewhere you know well. I want to make sure you’re safe too, because we don’t know what Grant’s final endgame is. Understood?”
Greg purses his lips as he thinks. “Go to New York first,” he muses. “Hit a few clubs, pick a few fights, and then make your way down to Georgetown and Miguel’s clubs. Stay with them while you’re there, and you’ll be protected and safe. You’ll be able to do just enough damage to stay in the news, without having to worry too much about spending a night in jail.”
I blow out a breath with a nod, happy that’s taken care of. “Awesome, did you get that flight for me, Jordan?”
It’s only mid-afternoon by now, so I’m hoping a last-minute flight won’t be full.
Jordan chews his lips as he watches me out of the corner of his eye and I can feel the bad news before he says it. “Derek, you have to sleep,” he begs. “Look, your dad’s a powerful and dangerous asshole. I need you on your A-game, so you’re safe and he doesn’t suspect anything, okay? Can you do me a favor and sleep? Leave in the morning…”
I growl under my breath without realizing it and Roark snorts. “You’re really scary there, Derek. I got chills and shite. Come on, we’re all worried about Lenny, but she needs you on top of your shit and not weaving on your feet. I can see how tired you are right now.”
Yawning again, I curse under my breath, knowing he’s right. “Fuck,” I mutter.
“Up you go,” Roark says, grabbing my arm and heaving me up like I’m weightless. At two hundred and fifty pounds, I can assure you I’m nothing of the sort.
“Right now,” I whine.
“God, you’re like a toddler that partied too hard,” Layla says with a giggle, hiding her face in Mav’s shoulder. He grins, digging his fingers into her hair.
“Bed,” Jordan barks goodnaturedly.
“I have a few errands to run anyway before you can go,” Greg says, standing. “I need to go see a few contacts to pick up some necessities, and then I’ll talk over how to get in contact with me and when, okay?”
Nodding, I follow where Roark is leading me. I yawn again so wide, my jaw cracks.
“A nap sounds fantastic,” Turner chuckles, following us.