Page 31 of The Sweetest Note
I smile at people politely as I wheel the buggy into the grocery store. I know I’m a big guy, and well-known in my home town, but I don’t want to…
“Is that you, Derek Williams? My goodness, as I live and breathe!”
Fuck.I stop and prepare to talk for a few minutes to the man who stopped me: Mr. St. Peters. I make small talk with him, until I explain that I just drove into town and haven’t seen my father yet. I continue this process with five more people until I finally finish the blasted shopping.
Jesus, now I know why my father hates to shop in town. I’ll continue to shop for myself though, despite the small-town annoyances of being stopped so often. Grocery shopping is normal, and I won’t have that luxury in many other areas of my life for a while.
“Gotta get used to it,” I mutter under my breath as I load my groceries into the trunk of my sedan.
Walking my buggy back to the drop off, I glance up and see a few women staring at me. Struggling not to scowl, I wave with a smile, before walking away. My skin feels hot and uncomfortable from the attention, and I know a couple of them are staring at my ass.
Usually I feel a source of pride of having a biteable ass and lickable abs… but my body is taken. I’m spoken for, just not in Farrelsville, Kentucky. Here I’m fresh meat, the town hero back from playing football and being on the road with rockstars. My life isn’t nearly that cool, especially sleeping in the roadies’ bunks, but no one here knows that.
I wonder if I’m more attractive because I’ve left and played the field, and sown my oats so to speak, I muse as I get back into my car.It’s so weird to be back.
I was out of here the second I could be, just like Len was. But the difference is I’m welcomed back with open arms in this town, while people snicker behind their hands that the wild girl with the crazy mom finally ended up losing her mind.
My hands tighten on the steering wheel as I start the car, my lips thinning so briefly it could have been a trick of light. I push down the unfairness of it all as I back out and drive home, hiding it for a time when I can change it.
* * *
“Holy hell, Grant, this is amazing,”Drew, Orion’s father said.
In theory, these two weren’t bad men. They loved football, good food, and positive profit margins. Everyone likes making more money, yet I am instantly worried about how that money is being made.
Dad works as a life investment banker as his job outside of being the mayor, so he’s always been an important man in town. People go to him to grow their savings, invest wisely, so they can retire properly. Growing up, I remember the talk around town of how well my father did predicting trends in investments. Back then, I was proud of him, but I wonder if this job put him in the path of very powerful men. Men who dangled a position he wants more than anything.
Dad grins as he takes a sip of his red wine. “Derek made dinner tonight, and it’s Marian’s recipe. I think he did it justice, don’t you think?”
Orion nods eagerly as he takes another bite. Sighing happily as he swallows, I smirk. Dude’s having a fucking religious experience, which isn’t surprising since Drew’s been single for years. His mom died ten years ago, and Orion’s father never remarried.
“This is amazing. I never learned to cook, and I’m kind of jealous. Though it has to be dangerous calorically,” Orion chuckles.
I shrug, patting my full stomach, only just restraining myself from showing off my six pack. “I run regularly and weight train, so I can eat what I want for the most part,” I explain. “I would get up early when I was on tour to run, take the stairs, and hit the weight room when we were in hotels.”
“Dedication is very important,” Drew murmurs, and I feel the conversation begin to shift. “You’ve been very dedicated to your career, both in professional football and social marketing. Your father is very proud, which is why he hired you as soon as you were released from your previous obligations.”
This is a very pretty way to say my father was responsible for kidnapping my girl and the lead singer ofThe Darkest Nights. I nod with a small smile at the compliment, taking care that no other emotion is visible.
“Honestly, Derek, your potential can be used to its fullest here,” Orion gushed. He glances at his dad and bites his lip. Fucker definitely knows more than I do. “I’m just saying that the campaign is going to be gaining traction now that it’s less than six months away, and I know we can use your skills.”
Wishing I could hear his thoughts without any kind of personal censor, I decide to make it a point to get the man drunk one day soon. “I hope my skills come in handy, though I’m not sure what my role here is yet outside of being a social media campaign manager. The first rallies aren’t for a couple of weeks, right?”
My father leans forward, taking time to stare at me. Knowing what my father is looking for, I stare back impassively as if to tell him that I’ve got nothing but time. Spill or not, I don’t give a shit.
My father nods as he watches me. “I want you to sit in on some meetings with me in a couple of days. These are people who are particularly against my stepping into governorship, and are dropping roadblocks in my way. I dislike it immensely when I don’t get my way—something you are very aware of—but if you do well in these meetings to change their minds, I’ll allow you one phone call with your mother.”
Neither of our guests flinch against the threat, which leads me to wonder if they’re very much aware that he’s locked my mother up because she wanted a divorce. I’m glad my intuition hasn’t led me astray yet.
“Very well, Father, I see no reason not to come to these meetings with you,” I respond.
There are smirks from Drew and Orion and I worry that I’ve just stepped in shit and no one warned me. So much for my intuition.
The night continues innocently as we move from wine to brandy, and it feels like every step is taking me further into hell. I’ll gladly head there though in an effort to save my girl.
We’re leaving Albuquerque today, on the heels of Derek leaving three days ago. The paparazzi found us at the hotel, which is part of what we were waiting for. Layla, Mav, Altas, Leo, and Albert did a press conference with Jordan to announce they would be taking overThe Darkest Nightstour.