Page 54 of The Sweetest Note
A tongue swipes around the head of a pierced cock on the screen before swallowing it whole. Lennon whimpers and I glance over at her. “Why?” she whispers.
It appears this is enough to prove something to her. “Why do you know this is your boyfriend?” I ask, knowing I’m not helping her right now, but needing to know.
Swallowing, she continues to stare at the screen, pulling in a breath as if it’s made of shattered glass instead. “Roark had a very specific set of cock piercings.” Lennon looks like she’s lost her train of thought before she begins to talk again. Her eyes are glazed slightly, though not crying. “He… there’s a piercing at the tip of his penis, and then a ladder down the underside of his cock. I don’t… I don’t recognize the other man because all I can see is his mouth and tongue. Does he have a tongue piercing? I can’t tell from here.”
Her voice has a distant note to it as she stares at the screen. Her fingers are twitching slightly where they’re bound, her lips bloodless. Lennon doesn’t seem to be breathing until she takes the next shuddering breath.
“No, dear girl, it doesn’t appear the man has a piercing on his tongue. I want to show you a photo next. Are you up for that?” Xav doesn’t give her a choice, clicking on the remote to turn to a photo. A beautiful redhead snuggles against another man, and she is smiling at him. The issue is the photo isn’t super clear on her features, and I wonder why this is.
Unfortunately, Lennon’s not able to think logically and I can’t blame her. I want to tell her to be stronger than this, to focus on the facts and what she knows, but the tears begin to fall as she sobs. Fascinated, I stare as she loses it.
“Lennon’s beautiful as she realizes the truth, and processes that she’s not the center of anyone’s universe, isn’t she?” Xav murmurs. “No one is coming to save you, and it’s time you learned this.”
Xav punches her in the stomach and Lennon’s body attempts to snap inwards but can’t. She bites back a cry, gasping for air. “What will it take for you to understand you’re completely mine? No one cares about you, you’re not special. Your father didn’t even care about you enough to stick around…”
Over and over, he taunts her and hits her. I stare on, wanting to stop it, but unable to. I’m mesmerized by the fight I see, but feel an unknown emotion at the desperate sorrow and betrayal reflected in her eyes. I will find out what really happened, and pull the spines from both their bodies if they betrayed this beautiful girl.
“I need you to do something,” Xav murmurs as he turns to me.
“Yes, Sir. How can I help you right now?” I ask, forcing myself to be polite and disconnected to what’s happening.
“You have a way with pain according to Grant. Is that correct?” he asks intensely.
Biting my lip, I nod, not understanding the reason he asks. “Yes, I can pull screams from my victims, but they don’t typically live afterwards. Are you looking at disposing of the girl?” I wish I was normal, and not the person that I am. My tone is curious, unattached, inhuman.
Xav shakes his head. “I need her alive. She has a very high tolerance for pain, and I need to be able to speak to her while you make her scream. Can you control yourself?”
I look over the tools at my disposal, finding for the first time that I don’t want to hurt someone. I want to rescue Lennon O’Reilly, and I don’t want to be the tool that hurts her.
“Lennon is very important to me for many reasons, but she is a thorn in my side. She keeps too much to herself. I need her to tell me things,” he insists. Xav speaks about Lennon as others speak about precious treasure.
Flexing my fingers, I reach for a plastic hood and a knife. Lennon doesn’t seem like someone who wishes for death yet, not with the way she fights Xav. Being unable to breathe while Xav tells her unspeakable truths and lies may get through to her in ways that other things haven’t. Telling myself I’m doing what I need to, I look over at him and nod.
Walking behind the table, I’m still tall enough to look over it at her. “Lennon,” I whisper in her ear. Shrieking in surprise, she tries to look up at me, twisting. “You’re going to wish you were dead while this is happening,” I rasp, just above a whisper. Xav stares at me intently, but I know he won’t be able to hear. I drag the knife slowly over her skin, mesmerized by the way it wells up. Her blood is beautiful, and it’s no wonder Xav is mesmerized by it. I am too. “You’re gonna hate every moment, and the only way to make it stop is to listen to Mr. Xav. He’s here to help you,” I lie louder, the words cutting along my soul.
“So let him,” I tell her as I drop the knife and cover her face completely with the plastic sheeting so she can’t breathe. Lennon tries to take a breath, which only causes her to breathe in the plastic. Tightening it completely, I look over at Xav with a wild smile. “I believe you have a captive audience, and the floor is yours.”
Xav whoops as he stares at Lennon’s wide eyes, her body writhing as she tries to breathe. “Very well. Let us begin,” he says. And begin he does, as he twists every moment that he knows about in Lennon’s life for his own amusement.
“Roark really seemed to enjoy the blow job he received at the club, I wonder if he was asking himself why he stayed with you for so long,” Xav says in her ear as she flails. “They really did seem like a happy family, no one needs the poor, broken girl who can’t tell the difference between reality and her delusions…”
Every time she seems as if she’s about to pass out, I release the sheeting. Lennon gasps and coughs wildly, her eyes white in panic. She doesn’t seem to know whether she wants to scream at Xav that he’s lying or take her next breath. And then I do it all again, hating myself for the first time in my entire life.
Staring down at the exhausted girl in front of me, I steal a glance at Xav as he washes his hands. A knock at the door sounds and he calls out for the person to enter.
“It looks like you all have been having fun. I wish I had been able to join in this time,” the man sighs wistfully as he shuts the door behind him. He appears to be an orderly.
Xav shrugs. “Eric, you know that Collymore usually assists me in Lennon’s therapy, but he’s out today. Nurse Elaine observed instead.”
“It was fucking amazing,” Nurse Elaine exclaims. Her pupils are blown wide and she appears to be sexually aroused by what she just saw. “Mr. Kingston played with her body like a God. Do you think she’ll do what you want yet?”
My ears prick at this and I need to know. “I would also like to know. What is your end game when it comes to this ‘patient’?” I ask.
Xav smirks. “I want to see if I can break her down enough to create the perfect weapon. I want her to follow directions, my every whim. I want to see if I can fucking do it,” he growls. “I’ve never met someone with so much armor around herself. She knows when to fight, usually understands when folding is in her best interest, but I believe today’s evidence surprised her. She never believed that Roark and Turner would forget about her so easily, and now she’s spiraling.”