Page 91 of The Sweetest Note
Relaxing a bit, I nod in return and get in with Turner. Greg wanted us to have a nonchalant code phrase to let us know the driver was on our side. The last thing we needed was for something to happen to Turner or I on the way to meet them.
We’re here to help, not become liabilities.
It’s after seven, and the Kentucky sun sets early in November. Dark fields pass by over the next hour and I sigh. I can’t believe we’ve been without Lennon for over a month now. Halloween is one of Lennon’s favorite holidays, and while none of us felt like celebrating, I still enjoyed watching Tori and Tesa’s kids run around in their costumes.
The house was nuts with how much candy was consumed that night. This leads me to think about gummy bears, and my eyes prick with unshed tears.
I may never think about her favorite candy the same way again. It’s yet another thing her goddamn mother has ruined.
“What are you thinking about?” Turner asks softly.
If this was before the overdose, I would have brushed the question away. Today, I choose the truth.
“Gummy bears and Carrie fucking O’Reilly,” I grumble.
Turner snorts in derision, somehow knowing what I mean. “Fucking bitch ruined water and candy for us. She needs to die.”
There’s a slight chuckle from the driver and I raise my brows. “You’re definitely in the right company for making sure this happens,” he says with a fierce smile.
Turner and I grin back.He’s not wrong.It’s so odd knowing these people don’t blink an eye at killing others.
“Is it wrong that I want to check with Lennon to see what she wants to do?” I ask, leaning on Turner.
“No, because we talk to each other about everything. She doesn’t need anyone to fight her battles typically, but it’s not going to keep me from offering,” Turner says, licking his lip in thought.
Nodding, I lean my head back on the head rest. “I’m in, I just can’t wait to get her the fuck out of that place.”
The SUV slides off the road abruptly and I sit up alarmed.
“Sorry for the cloak and dagger, guys, but this is where you switch cars. Go get your girl,” the driver says with a grim nod. I never asked for his name, and I’m sure he didn’t give it to us for a reason.
“Thanks…” I say, starting to get out of the car.
Grunting, he says, “I’m sure Greg will give me shit for this later, but it’s Crew. You’re under an hour away from the back side of the hospital. I’ll take another way there, but will have boots on the ground to support you all by the time you’re over the fence.”
“We appreciate it all,” Turner says and I smile before we’re out the door.
Crew peels out of the field, dirt flying as he leaves. There’s another SUV waiting for us, and Greg gets out of the driver seat with a small smile.
“Hey guys. Ready to get your girl?” he asks and we nod.
Giving us a quick hug, he mutters in my ear, “Glad you’re still with us. You good?”
I grunt in affirmation and Greg smirks. Rolling my eyes as my lip twitches in amusement, I get in the backseat with Turner.
It’s the three of us and another man in utility black clothing. He gives us the run down as to what to expect as Greg drives back roads to our destination. Basically, Greg will be the point man with us while Crew will take the others in the side door.
Orion’s description of the facility will be essential to this mission, and I look forward to meeting him in person. The last month and a half has been such a whirlwind, and I feel like I need a full debrief of everything I’ve missed.
Though I didn’t miss the shared glances between Orion and Derek, but I’m not jealous. Derek is ours, but that doesn’t mean he can’t care about other people. I wouldn’t ever put that restriction on someone. I also didn’t miss his comment that we’ll all need to talk at one point, which means something is definitely going on between them.
I can be patient though, as that conversation will have to wait until after we break Lenny out.
Forty minutes later, Greg pulls onto a service road that’ll hide the car from prying eyes and also allow us access to it to escape quickly if needed.
Stepping out of the car, I follow them to the back gate where I have a feeling everything will change.