Page 108 of The Lost Melody
“Hey, I’m Griffin and this is Link. We haven’t met yet,” he says with a smile, putting out his hand to shake.
Smiling my “normal” smile, I shake his hand with a nod.
“I saw you both working on the back porch, thank you. Lennon will be able to use it year round once it’s done,” I tell them.
Greg looks at me as he leans on the island, eating a taco. I raise my brow at him, wondering why he’s staring.
“That’s interesting,” Greg murmurs as he watches me. “It’s like watching two different people.”
I roll my eyes, knowing it’s because he saw through my ‘boy next door’ facade. “It’s ‘cause it is two different people,” I respond in a dead voice that makes Griffin jump.
“What the fuck?” he mutters.
Smiling, I push the warmth back into my eyes. “Greg was just testing a theory,” I respond with a shrug. “Who’s hungry?”
I can tell Griffin is some kind of police officer because of the wariness that he watches me with the rest of the night. I probably shouldn’t have dropped the facade, but Greg poked the bear.
Escaping out of the house as soon as I can, I step out onto the front porch for some air. The kitchen rule that someone else would clean serves me well in this instance. It’s freezing outside, but I’m not deterred. There’s snow on the ground in Kentucky, so South Carolina is a nice change from all of that.
Leaning against the railing, my eyes scan the front lawn. The trellis covered fence that separates the two properties is gorgeous as the last vestiges of the sunlight hits them. I’m not used to being around so many people, especially suspicious ones. I much prefer hiding in plain sight.
The front door opens and I ignore it, hearing the heavy steps warning me it’s Griffin. Everyone else who would have followed me is too quiet.
“Hey,” he says and I turn, a brow raised. I don’t say anything, because even silence can be used as a weapon. “I didn’t mean to be rude earlier, Greg told me you worked with him.”
Confused, I blink at him, waiting for him to explain himself.
“It’s just, only psychopaths or mercenaries can typically flip the switch as quickly as you did in the kitchen. I think Greg did it to fuck with me, honestly,” he mutters.
Smirking because that’s probably true, I shrug. “Or, he did it so you’d know, in case I was in a place where I had to shut everything off,” I tell him. “You’re a cop, right?”
Griffin winces with a nod. “Lieutenant, but yeah. I can’t always turn off my instincts, my need to protect, and I don’t know you. I know Lennon through stories, her music, and Turner, but with everything she’s been through, my instincts are still to protect her as family,” he explains.
“Lennon tends to bring out everyone’s protective feelings,” I tell him with a shrug. “I met her in high school, and we recently reconnected. I can assure you that I’m not dangerous for anyone in this house or the neighborhood.”
Griffin shrugs with a laugh. “Dangerous is relative. My wife is a fucking menace with her herbs and potions. In fact, there are days where I’m unsure if she’s actually buried any dead bodies or not,” he tells me. “We coexist on a don’t ask, don’t tell basis. Unless she’s poisoning my brother-in-law. That shit’s hysterical.”
“Come mierda, Griffin,” says a voice from the increasing shadows in the front yard. I had heard him come through the gate between the properties, so I figured he was a friend.
“There he is,” Griffin snickers. I have every reason to believe that he knew the man was there. “This is Miguel, one of Tori’s husbands. You’ve already met Greg and Link.”
Finally starting to understand where everyone fits, I nod.
“Tesa hasn’t poisoned me in over six months. I didn’t know I was using her favorite new coffee cup. It came in while I was working,” Miguel says with a sigh. Apologetically, he shrugs. “Between the sibling rivalry we share, I pray daily for the fate of our children. I wanted to say hello to our new neighbors, and bring over more tequila.”
I grin, because there’s always a need for more tequila. “That’s much appreciated, thank you,” I tell him with a small twitch of my lips. I decided that I’m not going to hide my darkness in my own house, mainly because if we’re staying here, I want to be able to be myself.
Headed back inside, I think about how Lennon was drinking water throughout dinner. She’s not much of a drinker usually, but I decide to make her a non-alcoholic margarita if anyone looks surprised.
Everyone is sitting in the living room chatting, and I kiss the top of Lennon’s head before finding a seat. As I listen to the laughter and the chaos amongst us, I settle in, finding that I enjoy it.
“Lennon, are you ready for your run tomorrow?” Greg snickers, and Link raises his eyebrow as if to ask what he’s going on about. “She said she wanted to take up running with Tori—”
“Lies!” Lennon squeals, shaking her head. Her gorgeous blonde hair is now braided in two long, perfect rows to keep it out of her face. “I mentioned to Greg that I wanted to find a class to spar in, and he roped me into running.”
Link snorts in amusement. “No offense, but you don’t look like someone who chases their endorphins through running,” he says.
“I’m not, but I feel cooped up, so running is the suggestion from the sadist,” Lennon grins.