Page 126 of The Lost Melody
“Fuck yeah, I don’t even care what the theme is,” I chuckle, knowing there probably will be one. “Lenny wants to get out of the house, so I want to make it happen.”
“Good, because Bear told me it was a twenties theme,”Greg snorts. “I’ll have clothes brought over. Bear used to run security at Miguel’s clubs, and there’s no one else I would trust to run a tight ship. We’ll be fine there.”
Hanging up, I walk back into the house. “How much do you love me?” I yell, laughing when Lenny squeals and throws herself at me.
“So much, Ror. Always and forever,” she promises, her arms and legs wrapped around me.
Hugging her to me, I grin. We’ve come so far, and we’re so damn close to getting everything we didn’t know we wanted.
It’s New Years’ Eve, and the guys are all dressed, laughing as we have a beer before we leave. Lennon, Tesa, and Tori are upstairs finishing getting ready, and none of us have an issue waiting.
I know she’s a little bummed because her sister couldn’t come.The Velvet Escapeapparently has a concert tonight, and I have to say I’m enjoying the down time. There’s been more than enough excitement around here to get me by.
The doorbell rings and I frown as I look around. Everyone is here that should be.
Greg thinks the same thing, and stands, discreetly pulling a gun from the holster behind his back. The jacket he’s wearing covers it perfectly, and I can’t help but wonder if this was done on purpose. Standing with him, I grab my bat as I follow him.
Jordan brought it to me for Christmas, and I am happy to be reunited with Sally.
Striding towards the door, Greg checks the peep hole before chuckling and opening it.
“I thought y’all had a concert,” he says, as Layla grins next to Jordan, Mav, and Atlas.
“Can you believe it’s snowing three hours north of here?” she asks with a shrug. “It’s an outdoor concert, so we had to cancel. I think Uncle Jordan was secretly happy.”
“I’m loudly happy,” Jordan snickers. “Lennon told me about your plans, so we’re crashing. I had a feeling that the venue would cancel tonight’s show, so I made sure to have outfits for everyone.”
Layla opens her coat, and sure enough there’s a cute flapper dress and tights underneath. Stepping back, we let the group through as they chat.
“Is Lennon upstairs?” Layla asks, already headed that way.
“Aye!” I yell after her, rolling my eyes as she waves at me and continues up the stairs. “I’m glad you were able to make it, I was just thinking about how we were missing you guys.”
“Yeah,” Jordan agrees. “I love touring, but we’re going to work on deciding what dates are off the table, so we can plan accordingly.”
Atlas nods as he follows me through the house. “Turner, this place really is incredible. I’m still so impressed by how perfect it is for you guys. How is our girl doing?” he asks.
My lips twist as I think about that. “How up to speed are you?” I ask. “I don’t think Layla and Lennon have talked—”
A scream sounds from upstairs, confirming my suspicions. “—yet. Well, now that Layla knows, Lennon is pregnant. She was really upset at first, but it turns out that she’s about fifteen weeks along,” I explain.
Mav and Jordan’s eyes widen as they put that together. “It sounds like congratulations are in order,” Jordan breathes. “It’s been a busy few days, it appears. I was just here for Christmas!”
Wincing, I nod, stopping before rejoining everyone. “Lennon’s had a rough few days. She actually knew she was pregnant on Christmas Day, but didn’t mention it to anyone. Lennon wanted to have one good day before facing that this baby probably wasn’t ours,” I explain.
Jordan blows out a breath, color high in his cheeks. I can tell he’s angry, and hope it’s not directed at Lennon. “She takes so much on by herself. I know it’s because Lennon is so used to powering through, but fuck. There’s only so much strength someone can be expected to have before they break,” he worries and I breathe a sigh of relief.
“I know. One upside is that Carrie will no longer be an issue,” I tell them, feeling like I’m updating them on a month of events instead of a couple of days. “Lennon insisted on being there when she died, so she could finally quiet her nightmares. Lavender said she’d never stop looking over her shoulder otherwise.”
Mav shakes his head. “Damn, our little Valkyrie had a busy few days. Did you at least get a photo of the rugrat? I’m insanely excited to be an honorary uncle,” he says with a wink.
“Check your texts!” Greg yells from the other room and I roll my eyes as my phone buzzes in my pocket.
“The man complains that his kids eavesdrop, but he does it all the time,” I mutter, pulling out my phone.
Greg texted me a photo of the ultrasound of the baby, and I have no idea when he had time to do this. “Woah,” I gasp, showing the guys my phone.