Page 129 of The Lost Melody
He’s absolutely right. I’m only trying to figure out why they’re pushing my gorgeous baby sister away after showing interest.
“It’s going to be very difficult for me to keep my mouth shut if they’re hurting her,” I confess. “I want my sister to be deliriously happy. Waiting for men to get their heads out of their asses isn’t fun.”
Roark kisses me hard, and I soon hear catcalls as our friends and family begin to move our way. Grinning, I look over at them.
“Let’s go up to the VIP lounge,” Tesa says with a grin. “We can people watch and talk shit.”
I giggle, and Roark shakes his head. “I could totally people watch for a bit,” I tease him, slipping out of the booth.
Roark follows with a smirk. “Talking shit about people is also a big factor, I’m sure.”
I move to the second level, standing at the rail to watch the people below. “I wonder if Bear’s security team will be on the lookout for people finding places to hook up,” Tesa teases as she looks out at the crowd.
I see a couple walking and kissing and discreetly point them out to Tesa. “If they aren’t, they may want to start, or look the other way,” I giggle.
Griffin comes to steal her away soon, and my gaze returns to one of the cage dancers. She has gorgeous dark maroon hair, and she dances like no one is watching. She’s wearing a red and black bodysuit with cutout lace sides which hints to how strong and curvy her body is. The woman twirls, grinds against the bars, and thoroughly enjoys herself behind her mask. A whisper of jealousy for how free she looks moves through me, and I blow out a breath.
I don’t want to be jealous of a stranger. I love performing, but what if I’m ruined? I look on with longing, because I miss singing, and the rush of working a crowd. There’s a purity to weaving your magic with your words and your music.
“You know,” says a deep voice that reminds me of crushed gravel. “I hear there's freedom when you’re in the air, above everyone else.”
Glancing over, I see a very tall, broad-shouldered man with ebony skin and dark brown eyes. Giving him a small smile, I look back at the woman who is now watching me as she dances.
“I was just wondering what it would be like to dance or perform in a cage. I wonder if in some ways it would feel safer, knowing you’re untouchable?” I muse.
The man leans on the railing, thinking. “I have heard from my cage dancers that they feel empowered when they dance,” he admits. “No one can touch them, and sometimes they manage to forget that anyone’s watching.”
Blinking, I realize this must be Bear. “I have a new found difficulty,” I confess. “I’m terrified I’ll freeze when I perform, even though I’ve been on a stage since I was nineteen years old.”
Bear shrugs. “I hear you have good reasons to be a little gun shy. Maybe the knowledge that you’re completely safe would help? My club is at your fingertips if you decide you ever want to perform here,” he tells me.
I smile, grateful he has any kind of faith in me. “Thank you, Bear,” I murmur, and he grins at me, happy I know his name. “I appreciate the open invite.”
“You’re a very special friend to my people, which makes you practically family. Think on it, Lennon, and if you decide to go for it, we’ll make it happen,” he says, tapping the railing before moving on.
I spend a lot of time that night watching the cage dancers, wondering if I have the courage to try.
Today is a big day, and Lenny is practically vibrating with excitement and worry. Even though it’s not a formal meeting, she’s dressed in her version of a power outfit. A black leather pencil skirt, lavender long-sleeved lace shirt, and high heeled boots grace her long legs.
Lennon is currently frowning at herself in the mirror, her hand on her stomach.
“Little Valkyrie, you look beautiful. Why are you staring at yourself like that?” I ask, rolling my lips inward to keep from smiling.
Lenny’s stomach has just started to round out a bit, and it’s adorable. At least, I think it is.
“I’m trying to figure out if I look pregnant or bloated,” she mutters. “Is it noticeable?”
Turner walks behind her, wrapping her in a hug. “No, the only people who can really tell are us, and the skirt is high waisted. I think my girl looks amazing. Are you ready to go?” he asks her.
Lenny blows out a breath, leaning into his embrace. “Yes, let’s go see what Uncle Jordan’s amazing plans are. He’s been hinting at something that will work for everyone, and I’m both excited and mildly terrified,” she snickers.
We all trudge down the stairs, and Derek and Orion glance up at us with a smile. Derek whistles as we come down, and I chuckle. He’s watching us as if he wants to undress us so he can eat us. My cock twitches in my jeans, and I tell it to behave. There’s no time for a quickie now.
“Damn, if business rocker chic was a vibe, this is what it would look like,” Derek says appreciatively.