Page 139 of The Lost Melody
Jordan checks his calendar and emails, and I can see him thinking. “I know you want this done as soon as possible, but a Valentine’s Day performance would draw the most attention. Layla and the guys were supposed to go on a writing retreat, but if we’re bringing you all together, I’ll cancel it. I’ll insist the label spend the money on building a recording studio in your basement, Lennon instead.”
Taking a deep breath, Lennon nods. “I’ll be six and half months pregnant by then. Fuck… I’ll have to be a little careful about what I wear, or I can reveal it at the concert and say fuck it,” she mutters.
“Fuck it!” Atlas and Mav chorus and Len chuckles. They give each other conspiring glances, showing me that they intended to make Lennon laugh.
“I agree,” Jordan nods. “We’ll dress you in something stunning that shows off your baby bump. When is your next appointment? I want to hear my great niece or nephew’s heartbeat.”
Lennon grins. “It’s the last week of January. Okay, is there anything else? We have so many rooms in this house, it’s ridiculous. If anyone wants to help me decorate a baby room, it’ll keep me busy,” she admits.
Greg taps on the table with a grin. “Make the house yours, buy that bed you’ve been wanting, go crazy,” he teases her. “I don’t want you sleeping on a mattress on the ground anymore, you’ll be a holy terror later on in your pregnancy if you do, trust me.”
“Why are you on the floor?” Atlas complains. “Our rooms all had proper beds. What the fuck, Lennon?”
She flushes, and I can’t help but chuckle.
“Lennon, if this is a sex thing, I don’t want to know!” Jordan yells and Greg barks out a laugh, leaving the room.
The next month will be insane with so many people in the house, but honestly it’ll be really nice.
The next morning, I’m exhausted. Blinking blearily, I walk downstairs in a hooded sweatshirt and knee high socks. I see a man in black jeans and a T-shirt in my front lawn and frown.
My phone buzzes as if it’s annoyed at me and I glance downwards. Greg had messaged me ten minutes ago and I didn’t notice.
Greg: Draw the curtains if you’re going to walk around naked so Orion doesn’t kill my men. I have one person out there now, it’ll double up to two at night.
And so it begins. I thank Greg and glance down. I’m dressed enough I decide, and walk through to the kitchen. Coffee is already starting to brew, and I sigh happily. I noticed Orion and Derek weren’t in bed still when I woke up, and decide they must be machines because I’m exhausted.
Fixing my coffee, I hum in contentment as I take the first sip before the doorbell rings. Frowning, I can’t remember what time Lay, Jordan, and the guys are supposed to get here. Glancing at the knife that’s strapped high on my thigh and hidden, I shrug and go answer the door.
There’s a gorgeous woman waiting anxiously on my porch with dark red hair, and I smile as I realize she was the woman in the cage at Bear’s club.
“Hello,” I greet softly as I open the door. “Good morning.”
She blinks as she looks at me. “Hey, I’m so sorry I didn’t think it was so early. Damn, I should have paid attention to that,” she mutters.
Pulling my phone from my sweatshirt pocket, I see it’s already nine in the morning. Ugh, four hours of sleep is going to make today rough.
“No, you’re fine, last night was just a late one for us. You work at Bear’s club, right?” I ask.
Nodding, she relaxes, giving me a smile. “Yes! I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It’s kind of odd to show up at someone’s house and ask if they want to go hang out in a cage today, but here I am!”
I am so glad I’m not drinking coffee, because I would have spit it out at this point. “Let’s start with your name, and then we can continue on to being your song bird,” I tease her.
She giggles, realizing I’m on board for whatever reason she’s here. “I’m Willow. Bear told me you were going to perform at the club, and he asked me to come by. He also asked if I’d bring you by to take a look at the club, maybe practice being up there?”
Willow means well, and I should practice, but all I feel is a wave of dizziness. I fist my hands so I don’t drop anything, wilting against the door frame.
“Fuck, are you okay?” Willow gasps and I nod weakly.
“Lenny,” Roark says gruffly, opening the door wider to fill the doorway and wrap his arms around me. Tugging my phone and coffee mug from me, placing them on a side table just inside of the door. “Who are you?”
“I’m… Willow? Is she okay?” she asks, worriedly.
“I just got lightheaded,” I mutter. “Fuck, this is all happening so fast. Yes, I’ll come down to the club, I need to get over this stupid anxiety about performing at some point.”
“Wait, but don’t you do this for a living?” Willow asks, confused.