Page 156 of The Lost Melody
“Should I be worried at all?” I ask, wanting to know.
“No. We are guesstimating how far along you are since we’re unsure of your last period. So this just means that the baby could be trying to correct us. She or he is hanging out towards your back, so you’ll be slower to begin showing,” she tells me.
“That’s what I’m seeing right now. I’m just starting to have a baby belly. I didn’t know when it was normal to have the bump people talk about,” I tell her.
Shrugging, she sits back down in front of me. “There’s no normal set time, honestly. Every pregnancy is different, and first time moms will find it happens later for some of them. This is one of those obnoxious times I’ll have to say ‘it depends’,” Dr. Zane says sheepishly.
She surprises me and I smile. “Fair enough,” I chuckle.
“I’ll see you back in four weeks. We’ll continue in this way until you’re twenty-six weeks pregnant. I set up my own appointments, so let’s find a good time, shall we?”
We decide that I’ll be back to see her shortly after the concert, and I slowly get off the table.
“I would suggest starting to look at birthing classes around six months into the pregnancy. Lamaze can be helpful, and they also offer some parenting classes. A baby is an adjustment, and believe it or not, we aren’t hardwired knowing how to take care of another life,” Dr. Zane advises with a smile.
Nodding, I decide to look at what’s available.
“Another suggestion that is surprising to some, is looking into chiropractic care. The baby will wiggle and turn for a long while before finding their way into the proper position for birth. Since they’re so far towards your back, a chiropractor can help with how your body responds,” she tells me. “I have a few people in the area that I like to refer to if you're interested. It’ll keep you comfortable for longer.”
“I will definitely do that. I want to be able to grow with this baby in comfort for as long as possible,” I agree.
Saying goodbye, we walk out of the room and towards the exit.
“So I may have been a little hasty in my assumptions,” Uncle Jordan grunts next to me. “I really like your doctor.”
Grinning, I shrug. I really like her too.
Ilet the rainfall of the shower flow down my body, dropping my head back in an attempt to relax. We haven’t performed in so damn long outside of intense practice and recording sessions in the last month.
Jordan made good on his promises, and had a recording studio installed in our basement. He’s a man of many talents, and he also did the recording for us. There were breaks for food, and inspiration quickies for Turner, Lenny, and I. I think her uncle may have heard about our tendency to find inspiration in the recording booth, because it has fantastic ventilation.
I find myself chuckling darkly at the thought. Finding out you have a grown ass niece with her own harem has to be rough.
“Should I be worried you’re laughing to yourself?” Orion asks, standing at the entrance. “Lennon is pacing, Mav and Atlas are playing video games, and Turner looks like he wants to kill something. Tonight will work the way it needs to, but everyone is feeling the pressure.”
Blowing out a breath, I turn off the water, grabbing a towel. “Aye, this is what we hope, but there’s a million things that could go wrong,” I complain, methodically drying myself off.
Stepping out of the shower, I toss the towel in the hamper, grabbing another smaller one to dry my hair.
Orion stares, and I raise my brow as my cock jumps at the attention. “See something you like there, O?” I ask with a smirk.
“Possibly,” he says, lips twitching as he raises his eyes to mine. “Just seeing what all the fuss was about.”
Barking out a laugh as he turns to leave, I flick out my towel at his ass. Orion gasps, rubbing his asscheek, making a run for it. He’s as big as I am, and it brings out the feral nature in me. Giving chase, Turner finds us wrestling on the floor.
“Do I need to give you some time?” he asks amused.
It’s different from when I fight for dominance with him, with the sole purpose of getting my cock in him. Orion is giving me an outlet for my anxiety, which I need.
Flipping me, Orion pins me to the ground with a shout. I’m still naked as the day I was born, and he’s as hard as I am. Orion grunts as his cock rubs against mine, his eyes wide.
“Well, that’s different,” he mutters, standing quickly. “You should take care of that, Turner. Roark’s got some pent up aggression he may need to fuck out.”
O walks out of the room quickly, looking very confused and I sit up. “Orion, you good?” I call out.