Page 165 of The Lost Melody
“Nope,” Dr. Zane mutters, striding for the desk. A few well placed words and I imagine threats later, and she has a nurse running for a wheelchair.
I am not entitled by any means, but I’ve never been so happy to watch someone else fight for me. I’m too busy having my uterus squeezed in a death grip at the moment. Soon, I’m changing into a hospital gown in a room, getting my intake paperwork done by a nurse.
As she leaves, a bored woman replaces her.
“I’m here to check on you, I guess?” she says, and Dr. Zane rolls her eyes.
Washing her hands, my doctor shakes her head. “I’m so glad I have privileges at this hospital,” she sighs. “I actually told my patient that you all were the best in the area, and you’re making me a liar. Please don’t come back unless I need you, and send your head charge nurse down here to me.”
Drying her hands and putting on gloves, she walks over to me. “I want to check to see how far you’re measuring, Lennon,” she explains as the nurse huffs and leaves.
Nodding, I lean forward, gripping the bed sheets tightly as another contraction hits. My groans as I work through each one no longer scare the guys, and they rub my back, and tell me how well I’m doing.
“I definitely think they’re closing in on each other,” Dr. Zane confirms. “Let’s see what’s happening, okay?”
She puts my feet up in the stirrups, and I drop my legs to the side. Uncle Jordan is outside of the room with Mav and Atlas, pacing as they wait for updates. I’m glad for it, because the room is already crowded. Feeling a little pressure as she checks to see how far my cervix has dilated, I hear her hum in surprise.
I can’t ask her if that’s a good or bad hum, because another wave of pain hits me.
“Lennon, I can feel the head, but you’re only eight centimeters dilated. Let’s get all the way there so you can push okay? You’re doing so good. There’s no reason for you to stay laying down,” she tells me, “so you can move around the room as you need to.”
“What do you want, little one?” Orion asks, and I know I want to be out of bed.
“Up,” I gasp. “Please, I want to rock.”
Turner and Roark help me up, and Orion’s large arms cradle me perfectly. I don’t remember having broken my water, but I wait to ask.
“My water didn’t break, did it?” I force out as I basically rock back and forth with Orion supporting my weight. A pressure pushes on my hips and I moan gratefully. “More of that,” I beg whoever is behind me.
“No, it appears your water hasn’t broken yet,” Dr. Zane agrees. “I’m not worried about that though. You’re progressing so quickly, that it’ll happen when it needs to.”
An hour later, I whimper as things feel different. “Ow, ow, fuck!”
“You’re doing so good,” Derek says, now holding me in his arms. “What’s going on?”
Dr. Zane calmly stands up, grabbing a basin. “Whatever it is, is fine,” she reminds me. She’s continually reminded me that I’m doing well.
“I don’t feel good,” I groan.
“Do you feel like you have to puke?” she asks carefully, I nod frantically.
Pushing Derek away, I lean over the basin and empty my stomach. Layla braided my hair away from my face when I complained about being hot, and I’m eternally grateful that I’m not wearing my puke right now in my hair.
Handing me a tissue, I wipe my mouth with it. “Oh shit, it’s go time,” I realize.
“Almost, yeah. As soon as you feel like you need to push, let me know,” Dr. Zane encourages.
Roark comes up behind me wrapping his hands around my hips as he hums a song to me, moving his hands to lift my stomach to relieve the pressure. Relaxing in his arms because it feels good, I realize he was the person who was squeezing my hips. It’s something they taught him during a birthing class. Fuck, this is my favorite thing ever.
I feel a small pop, and gasp as a rush of water leaks from my vagina. Looking up at Dr. Zane, she shrugs. “And there we go.”
Towels are grabbed and the floor is mopped up so I won’t slip. Feeling an odd pressure, I grunt. “I… need to push,” I say urgently to the room, and hands help me into the bed. Layla stands next me, squeezing my hand.
“I now know why everyone calls you a Valkyrie, Lenny,” she tells me with a smile. Layla looks so damn proud of me. “Let’s push, shall we?”
I huff out a tired laugh, and nod.
“Let me check really quickly,” my doctor murmurs, looking to see how dilated I am. “Yep, you’re ready. It’s all you, Lenny.” Hitting the button on the bed so I’m sitting upright, she grabs more pillows and the guys place them behind me. “Layla, grab one of her legs and Roark grab the other. Lennon, do you want a mirror to see how you’re doing?”